“The Tragedy of Wounded Knee” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EdRT56WK7Q (1) By 1890, all Native Americans in the American West lived on ___________. Describe conditions. (2) Ghost Dance … (3) Summarize events of Wounded Knee … (4) Lakota Man’s Comments … What is your response to the quote from Rick Williams, a Lakota man, “Wounded Knee happened yesterday, for Lakota people, Wounded Knee is today, it represents … even though it happened in 1890, it is fresh in Lakota peoples’ minds and hearts … when we talk about Indian-white relations, that’s the first thing that comes to mind.”
Massacre at Wounded Knee, Dec. 29, 1890 Under leadership of Big Foot, Minneconjou camp Traveling to Pine Ridge 200, possibly as many as 300 to 350 killed More or less unarmed
"the last conflict of the American Indian wars"
Stevens. (1932). Women Survivors of Wounded Knee at cemetery, May 25, 1932. View of a group of female survivors of the Wounded Knee Massacre, posed in front of the monument at the Wounded Knee cemetery honoring the dead of the Massacre on 29 December, 1890. They are posed with children, floral tributes, and American flags. The monument was erected in 1903 at the site of the mass grave of victims, by surviving relatives to honor the “many innocent women and children who knew no wrong…”who were killed in the massacre [Photograph]. Smithsonian- NMAI. Used with permission.