Northeast Illinois Invasive Plant Partnership: The Third Year Goose Lake Prairie State Natural Area
Area covered by NIIPP 18 counties in northeast Illinois Also work with River to River CWMA, Southeast Wisconsin Invasive Species Consortium and Indiana Coastal CWMA
Our Steering Committee Chair: Deb Maurer, LCFPD Vice-Chairs: Jeff Mengler, Hey & Assoc. Committee: Trish Beckjord, Midwest Groundcovers, LLC Dan Larkin, Chicago Botanic Garden John Legge, IL DNR Kathy Paap, LCHD Delane Strohmeyer, USDA-FS Karen Tharp, TNC Former Committee members: Becky Collings, The Field Museum Kurt Dreisilker, The Morton Arboretum Rebecca Grill, Park District Highland Park Dan Spencer, FPDCC Eric Ulaszek, formerly USDA-FS
Goals Early Detection and Rapid Response Coordinating Control and Management Education and Outreach
Early Detection and Rapid Response Illinois Hydrilla Task Force New Invaders Watch Program
Illinois Hydrilla Task Force Statewide program with test run in NE Illinois Education and outreach materials available Website and email account now live Next: Rapid response protocol and plan
New Invaders Watch Program Regional early detection and rapid response (since 2003) More than 150 records with more than 97 reported populations controlled 34 target plant species Training for identification and reporting
Coordinating Control and Management Kane County FPD, Fermilab Natural Areas, and Kane County DOT IDOT Region 1 and Park District of Highland Park and other partners Illinois Tollway and NIIPP partners Downers Grove PD, DuPage County FPD, Village of Downers Grove IDOT Region 2 and 3 now on board!! McHenry County DOT, Lake County DOT and NIIPP partners Kendall County DOT proposes countywide vegetation management plan
Education and Outreach Prevention! Clean Boats Crew Green market education and outreach
Clean Boats Crew: Aquatic Invasive Species Collaboration with IL-IN Sea Grant Multiple counties in Illinois and Indiana 2011: 874 exposures 2012: 2,546 exposures 2013: 1,956 exposures
Green Market Survey, Smartphone app, Video (Midwest Invasive Plant Network) Garden clubs and shows Master Gardeners Illinois Invasive Plant Species Council Invasive Ornamental Plant Symposium & Working Group The app is currently available for free download to iPhones and iPads from the Apple Store.
Cathy McGlynn 847-242-6423