Activator: Journal 30 Do we as humans blindly trust people that we shouldn't? Why do you think we do this? Will we ever learn from our mistakes?
Wednesday, October 22nd , 2014 Standards: Identify Themes in our play; By the end of grade 11/12 you will read a play; Analyze author’s choices Target: Students will wrap up Othello and see how the play unfolds. They will also identify themes in Act 4 and 5. Activator: Journal Work: Act 5 Closing: Theme Project
Work Session Okay ya’ll this is the LAST DAY OF READING!!!!....for this play We read Act 5 scene 1 yesterday so, today, we are finishing up that FINAL ACT!!!! Anyone want to tell me what Act means?! Remember…vocab quiz Friday…
1. How would Iago gain from Roderigo's death? Cassio's? 2. What happened when Cassio and Roderigo fought? 3. What did Iago do after he wounded Cassio? 4. How was Desdemona faithful to Othello to the end? 5. What was Emilia's reaction when Othello told her that Iago had revealed Desdemona's affair with Cassio to him? 6. Who told the truth about Iago? 7. What happened to Othello, Iago and Cassio in the end?
-If Roderigo would die, Iago wouldn't have to own up to stealing the jewels he was supposed to be giving to Desdemona from Roderigo. If Cassio would die, Iago's lies to Othello would be safe. -Roderigo was wounded by Cassio. Cassio was wounded from behind by Iago. -Iago left but returned a few minutes later to "help" Cassio and to finish off Roderigo, who had been identified as one of the attackers. -When Emilia asked "who hath done this deed" to Desdemona, she replied "Nobody, I myself." She did not tell that Othello had smothered her. -She was shocked and amazed. All along she had thought the tale had been a lie contrived by some awful person; never dreaming that Iago was responsible. -Before her death, Emilia told all she had figured out. Then, Iago's actions confessed his guilt. Finally, letters found in Roderigo's pockets made Iago's conviction even more certain. -Othello killed himself. Iago was stabbed and imprisoned, his fate to be determined by Cassio. Cassio became "Lord Governor."
Closing Those work questions are due at the end of class so don’t leave with them!! Now, you have read all the acts. YOUR THEME PROJECT IS DUE TOMORROW. Take this time to finish up all the examples and quotes you need for Act 5 Don’t forget that the quotes need to come from the Shakespeare text; not the modern version.
Bonus (we all love these!!) So each year the Bert Show collects handwritten letters to send to the men and women who serve this country. If you would like to write a letter (needs to be a page long) they are due to me before next Thursday. You will receive 3 bonus points for each letter you write! (Max 4 letters)