Culloden Academy & DYW
Initiative overload IDL Learning for Sustainability SQA changes 1+2 languages Learning for Sustainability BGE tracking Equity HWB Enhanced focus on literacy and numeracy HGIOS4 DYW
What is the purpose of this change? Pupils who have the qualifications, experiences, skills and achievements to move on to a positive destination. AND SUCCEED AT THAT LEVEL. The Scottish government insist that it is not enough to promote high attainment if our pupils do not have the resilience, confidence, social skills and experience to sustain this success. We have devised a system which allows high achievement and attainment for all. WITH TIME TAKEN TO DEVELOP THE SKILLS AND QUALITIES NEEDED TO KEEP ON SUCCEEDING.
Why change? It is a response by the Scottish government to the growing realisation that the pace of change in modern society is placing new demands on education. The need for change was summed up by one observer who pointed out that “we are preparing pupils for jobs that don’t exist yet, using technologies that have not been invented yet, to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet”.
Thinking skills for school and later life PLP for S1/2 Thinking skills for school and later life
Career Education is n😳t the job of Guidance Teachers Two questions always followed up at meetings: What are you doing to develop 20/60/20 differentiation and what are you doing about SfL,L&W?
EMT Had planned for a S3 and S6 “I Can statements” and Work Placement Standards audit/planning activity Education Scotland event. We need to slow down- no work, just reflection Huge response… from most 2012 PowerPoint became
Employer engagement event Curriculum rationale had been clear about preparation for later life. 7 year DYW plan for this session states “All schools will have employers fully involved in informing curriculum planning and delivery” CES and School/Employer partnership documents- all the same message Scene set then speed dating session…
What happened next? ?
Staff feedback: “My awareness of the skills that employers are looking for has been raised and these can now be communicated to pupils” “It confirmed a sense I’ve had for years now that we focus too much on qualifications. It’s often to the detriment of real skills development” “It was good to get an idea of the different avenues available to pupils from each business” “It opened my eyes to the number of jobs (well paying good jobs) in the local area” It put the list of employability skills into context and allowed me to see what employers are looking for”
Where are we now? Employers can and have influenced our curriculum Staff understand and are keen to engage with Labour Market Intelligence New tasks and activities are being designed and implemented as we speak We have a shared language to develop and reinforce employability skills Departments have ownership of their own work My PTG is wondering what to do now that the idea that DYW now sits in the lifeblood of the school. Still to do: Figure out the consequences of successfully moving hugely expanded numbers of S5 pupils into the job market. Evaluate the impact of this on pupil skills, knowledge and decision making Await the verdict of external forces…