Marketing and Promotion for Libraries: Big and Small PAARLs Summer National Conference on the Role of Libraries and Library Professionals in E- Learning: Issues and Concerns Isla Parilla Resort, Alabel, Sarangani Province, April 19-21, 2004 Rainera Carrillo-Boholst Chief Librarian, Cebu Institute of Technology
Objectives To explore the process in Marketing Library To understand the 4 Ps in marketing mix and how they are used. To appreciate some promotional methods in libraries.
Introduction often marketing is about changing perceptions---ours and theirs Everyone benefits when we find out what users really want, and when we let our community know everything that a library can do, in the library or in the web.
Marketing The analysis, planning, implementation and control of carefully formulated programs designed to bring about voluntary exchanges of values with target markets for the purpose of achieving organizational objective. (Weingard, 1999: 4)
Steps Involved in the Marketing Process Internal assessments Market research Setting specific goals Selecting promotion strategies Creating a plan of action Implementation Evaluation
Putting Marketing into Action Product Price Place Promotion
Product product = the services that the library provides to its customers. Services, Ideas, people Lending of toys, tools, art prints, etc. Collections of materials: bestsellers, video, films, books, magazines, etc. Access via cable television or computer Online Catalog CD-ROM database access Use of audio visual equipment/computers Books by mail Bookmobile service Study carrels Meeting rooms Reserve materials Reference Information Service Telephone Information Service Interlibrary loan SDI Story hours Programs: puppet shows, film series, tax assistance, etc. Learners adviser service Information and referral Circulation of materials
Price What is the cost to provide each product including direct and indirect costs? Are actual fees being charged and, if so, how are they determined? Are there potential fee-based products to be considered as part of the product determination?
Place It refers to the point at which the customer obtains access to the product. Examine existing distribution channels and potential administrative channels. Examine existing distribution channels and potential administrative channels. Changing societal needs Changing societal needs
Distribution Decision Factors Distribution Decision Factors Quality of Service Format & Technology Innovation & Change Positioning Finite Life Cycle Number & Location of & Location ofOutlets Intermediaries Priorities and Planning Time,Convenience,Resources
Promotion The means of communicating with customers and potential customers using various media, conveying the best images and texts that best describes how you can meet your their needs.
Suggested Methods of Communicating with Customers Public Relations News Releases Photo Releases Public Service Announcements Exhibitions, roadshow, seminars Library Publications Desktop Publishing WebPage Publishing Incentives, designed to focus customer attention on a new product and to create goodwill, such as: free online search, a sample SDI packet of materials expertly targeted to the users interests, a book mark or button describing a new service, a free demonstration and so forth.
Advertising Objectives: to raise awareness To provide information Establish or maintain your brand image Market position Launch new service Remind customers what you do Your Ad has to be: Seen Scanned Read Understood Remembered Easy to respond
Direct Mail Direct mail works because it helps customers understand your messages in ways that other marketing tools cannot, because it is: Personal Highly focused Easy to control and measure Economical Potential Problems: Junk mail Lack of time maintaining list Lack of time in mailing out
Exhibitions Displays of items increase librarys visibility and inform library users about librarys collection and services. Things to remember in planning an exhibit: Ask details of attendance of the previous exhibits done. Who will be attending? How will the organizer attract visitors to the exhibition? Is the time of year appropriate for visitors? Do the dates clash with other events? Is it easy to reach, especially by public transport?
Library Publications Newsletters. Brochures Flyers Posters Bookmarks Define the purpose of the publication Adopt an editorial policy Establish a budget Establish distribution mechanism Establish a general layout for the publication
Marketing Plan
Marketing Audit A comprehensive systematic Independent Periodic examination INFORMATION AGENCYs : Total Environment Objectives Strategies Activities Resources = Determined: Problem Areas Opportunities Recommend Plan of Action
Marketing Plan Situation (environmental) Analysis, -Summary of the information from your audit about the librarys capabilities (Internal Strength and Weaknesses) - External Opportunities and Threats ( information about the community and political situation, and your competition.)
Market Research Summarizes the results of your direct research with customers. Identify the individual or groups who are essential to the achieving of your objective/s. Market segmentation. The breaking down of the list of customers into smaller groups with shared characteristics to provide services closely tailored to fit their needs and expectations. (Hart, 1999:25)
Goals and Objectives Desired Outcomes: Specify what you expects your result to be. Make your objectives SMART. Specific Measurable Action oriented Responsibilities stated Timed
Marketing Strategies Target Market Selection: specific target selection, or specific product Marketing Mix: Description of the product, its features, Price, Promotion activities, Place
Action Plan. An outline of specific step or task that will need to be done to accomplish once goal. Specify person responsible, timeline, budget.
Implementation and Evaluation Refers to measures of performance, such a statistics, methods of measurement that you will use. Monitoring and evaluating performance
CONCLUSION: Marketing positions your library in the minds of the community as a go to source for information and helps users understands what you have to offer them. It is one way of building good customer relations, and help build up a positive image that will encourage customers to visit the library more often and support its activities and projects.
Marketing requires careful planning and begin with understanding the mission of the library. Marketing can help you succeed in your mission, establish a positive image for the library in the community, and the best way to provide service to users
The availability of resources in the internet changes the way users access information. Libraries may have better than web resources and personalized assistance, but does your community know? Are you reaching everyone who could use your resources? Your services?, whats the best way to find out? What resources and services do users in your community actually want? If the answers are no, then its high time for you to look back and review your marketing plan?
References: Hart, Keith. Putting Marketing Ideas Into Action. London: LA, Kotler, Philip. Marketing for non-profit organizations, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1975 Weingand, Darlene E. Marketing/Planning Library and Information Services. Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, 1999.
Monitor/ Evaluate ( Progress Towards Goals) Marketing Audit Determine the Organizational Role (Mission) Set Measurable Objectives Future Screen Establishing Goals