Profe O’Leary Introduction
One language leads to another I started learning French in seventh grade. In eighth grade, I travelled with 26 classmates to France for April vacation. I enjoyed learning another language so much that I began studying Spanish in tenth grade.
¡Viva español! By college, I was studying Spanish for enjoyment Even though I was majoring in Business!
My first career I worked in the high-tech industry where I used technology – and liked it. However, I realized that my real dream was to be a Spanish teacher, so I went back to school.
While I was raising my young children, I taught Spanish to homeschooling families (with children of all ages), occasionally tutored, and did volunteer work. I completed my Masters for teaching Spanish and worked for twelve years at the High School level. I taught all levels of Spanish during those years, helped revise curriculum and advised the Spanish Honor Society.
Buen viaje I also have enjoyed more opportunities to travel internationally, as a student, tourist, vacationer, and chaperone.
Puerto Rico
SMS and beyond… In addition to teaching at SMS, I enjoy time with my family, reading, traveling, researching family genealogy, working on miniatures, and – of course – spending time with Buttons.