Event Promotion With Katie Kiaha Marketing Manager.


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Presentation transcript:

Event Promotion With Katie Kiaha Marketing Manager

Overview Marketing Plan – the basics Marketing Plan – the basics Setting objectives Setting objectives Creating a budget Creating a budget Identifying key market segments Identifying key market segments Working on effective messaging Working on effective messaging Implementation Implementation Create a timelineCreate a timeline Identify methods of communicationIdentify methods of communication Other tips for getting the word out Other tips for getting the word out

Marketing Plan - Intro. Key points to remember about marketing plans: Key points to remember about marketing plans: Not scary Not scary Roadmap Roadmap No event is perfect and even the perfect marketing plan cant guarantee high turnout at your event, but they are your best bet for success No event is perfect and even the perfect marketing plan cant guarantee high turnout at your event, but they are your best bet for success

Marketing Plan - Intro. (cont.) Tip #1 – Give yourself plenty of time. This is key. The last thing you want to do is say oh, our event is in a week…hmm, what should we do? Tip #1 – Give yourself plenty of time. This is key. The last thing you want to do is say oh, our event is in a week…hmm, what should we do? Prior planning leads to success. -My Mom

Marketing Plan - Objectives What is the objective of the marketing plan? What is the objective of the marketing plan? In order to see if your marketing efforts were successful you will need to measure them against something. In this case, objectives are typically goals for attendance. These goals might be a specific number. In order to see if your marketing efforts were successful you will need to measure them against something. In this case, objectives are typically goals for attendance. These goals might be a specific number.

Marketing Plan - Budget How much do you have to spend on your marketing efforts? How much do you have to spend on your marketing efforts? Break it down to how you will allot to each outreach effort. (ex: X number of dollars toward printing flyers). Break it down to how you will allot to each outreach effort. (ex: X number of dollars toward printing flyers). Typically all else will have to fall in line behind your budget. Typically all else will have to fall in line behind your budget.

Marketing Plan - Identifying Market Segments What market segments would you like to hit? What market segments would you like to hit? Member Member Non-members who have attended events or shown interest in the past Non-members who have attended events or shown interest in the past Industry professionals who might benefit in some way from attending Industry professionals who might benefit in some way from attending Are there any new market segments youd like to address? Are there any new market segments youd like to address?

Marketing Plan - Messaging What are you going to say? What are you going to say? Why would someone want to come to this event? (Networking opportunity at the cocktail hour after the course has concluded) Why would someone want to come to this event? (Networking opportunity at the cocktail hour after the course has concluded) What would someone gain from attending this event? (Ex: PDH Hours) What would someone gain from attending this event? (Ex: PDH Hours) Is there a unique speaker or course that no other event similar to yours is offering? (Ex: Nationally renowned speaker, John Doe) Is there a unique speaker or course that no other event similar to yours is offering? (Ex: Nationally renowned speaker, John Doe) If this event has been done before, what are you doing new this time around? (Ex: Something NEW) If this event has been done before, what are you doing new this time around? (Ex: Something NEW)

Marketing Plan – Messaging (cont.) Tip #3 – A mistake that too many marketers make is assuming that everyone thinks as they think. But the truth is, often times the creators of the messaging are too close to the projects they are working on to get the proper perspective. My recommendation is to get the opinion of several people. Work as a team on all communications when possible. Tip #3 – A mistake that too many marketers make is assuming that everyone thinks as they think. But the truth is, often times the creators of the messaging are too close to the projects they are working on to get the proper perspective. My recommendation is to get the opinion of several people. Work as a team on all communications when possible.

Marketing Plan – Messaging (cont.) Tip #4 – Keep it short, keep it light, keep it simple. Give them the details they need to get registered. Tip #4 – Keep it short, keep it light, keep it simple. Give them the details they need to get registered.

Marketing Plan - Implementation When would you like to communicate with the market segments you have identified? When would you like to communicate with the market segments you have identified? Create a schedule. Then try to stick to it. Create a schedule. Then try to stick to it.

Marketing Plan - Implementation (cont.) Trick #1 –You are your best marketing tool. You have all the info and the ability to generate responses in a way that impersonal approaches may not. Try posting your event in your office (ask permission first). Also, try adding a tagline like Questions? Ask Mary ext Place a nice poster or flyer in a break room or other high traffic area (near water fountains, coffee pots, etc.)

Marketing Plan – Implementation (cont.) How would you like to communicate to these different market segments? How would you like to communicate to these different market segments? Direct Mail Direct Mail Other printed collateral pieces Other printed collateral pieces

Marketing Plan - Implementation (cont.) Tip #2 - Space out your communications. Dont inundate your audience with e- mails, DM pieces, etc. Try to create a schedule that will: Introduce your audience to your event; Introduce your audience to your event; Continue to remind your audience of the benefits of attending ; Continue to remind your audience of the benefits of attending ; Get them to register ahead of time. Get them to register ahead of time.

Other Tips… Make sure IECA is aware of your event well ahead of the event date. Make sure IECA is aware of your event well ahead of the event date. Send out through IECA Send out through IECA Post the event to the events calendar Post the event to the events calendar Update your Chapters website. Update your Chapters website. Be your own best marketing tool. Be your own best marketing tool. Create a basic calendar posting press release with details on your event and send it to industry publications. Create a basic calendar posting press release with details on your event and send it to industry publications.

Summary Determine details of event Determine details of event Create a Marketing Plan Create a Marketing Plan Set objectives Set objectives Create a budget Create a budget Allot specific amounts for each marketing initiativeAllot specific amounts for each marketing initiative Identify key market segments Identify key market segments Work on effective messaging Work on effective messaging Create a timeline with methods of how you will reach each market segment Create a timeline with methods of how you will reach each market segment


Contact information Katie Kiaha e: p: