Folders Put loose leaf paper in folder This is where you will put bell ringers (Daily Science)
Notebook Set up Place your syllabus as a flap on the inside front cover of your notebook.
Notebook Set up On the very first page, label it ‘table of contents’. On the left side, place the odd numbers. On the right side, place the even numbers. When you are done it should look like my picture.
Notebook set up Page 1 (back of table of contents) Label the back of the table of contents page 1 (put the number in a corner of the page). Glue the lab safety contract as a flap. On the table of contents, label page 1 ‘Lab Safety Contract’.
Notebook set up Page 2 Opposite the lab safety sheet is page 2. label it. Glue down ‘How to Write a Lab Report’. Label it in the table of contents.
Notebook Setup Page 3 Page 4 Label this ‘Scientific Method Notes’. These will be notes Page 4 Put your scientific method lab handout here (as a flap)
Taking notes Cornell Notes/Split Page Notes
References pages Flip to the back of your notebook. Count out 4 pages. On the front of the 1st page, write reference pages and create another table of contents
the Scientific Method Pg. 3
Chemistry The study of matter and the changes it undergoes Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Mass and weight ARE different! Mass: a measurement that reflects the amount of matter (measured in grams) Weight: account for the effect of gravity (measured in Newtons).
Scientific Research Observe Problem Formulate a hypothesis Experiment Formulate a theory Make conclusions Formulate a natural law--rarely done NOT A LINEAR PROCESS
Observations Qualitative-a descriptive statement Quantitative-information pertaining to numbers (i.e. mass, volume, length, time)
Formulate a question Asks how two variables can be related. How does _________ affect _______?
Research and collect data Scientists must have background knowledge before they test. Can use other scientific articles. Can use history. Can use data previously collected.
Hypothesis Must be testable and repeatable. Is written as an ‘If…Then…’ statement
Experimentation Variables-factors that can affect the outcome of an experiment. Independent variable: factor that you set (ex. time intervals) Dependent variable: factor whose value depends on what happens in the experiment Control- an experiment in which variables are kept constant; the standard. Or a part of the experiment that is kept constant. YOU CAN ONLY TEST ONE VARIABLE AT A TIME.
Conclusion-What does the data say? A judgment based on the observations made. Experiments must be tested hundreds of times to be validated. Conclusions can either become a scientific law (based on tests) or a theory (can’t be tested).
Homework- Due Thursday August 23 Think of a problem/phenomenon that you would like to research and go through the steps of the scientific method and describe what steps you would take to solve your problem. Include things like the different types of data you would collect, your different variables, etc.