EFFECTIVE PROMOTION MEANS EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION CHAPTER 15 3/31/2017 CHAPTER 15 EFFECTIVE PROMOTION MEANS EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION 15-1 Promotion as a Form of Communication 15-2 Types of Promotion 15-3 Mixing the Promotional Plan Chapter 15 MARKETING
Chapter 15 Focus Questions: What kind of person comes to mind when you think of the Marine Corps? How does this ad compare with your preconceptions? Sometimes a company must overcome well-established perceptions to persuade people to try its product. What barriers do you think the Marines are challenging with this ad? ©CREATED BY JWT ATLANTA FOR THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. Chapter 15
PROMOTION AS A FORM OF COMMUNICATION 15-1 PROMOTION AS A FORM OF COMMUNICATION GOALS Explain the function of promotion as part of the marketing mix. Describe the communication process and identify its eight elements. Explain the three roles of promotion in marketing. Define the two types of communication that are important to marketers. Chapter 15
Promotion as Part of the Marketing Mix Inform Persuade Remind Chapter 15
Promotion Is a Form of Communication Sender Message Encoding by the sender Message channel Receiver Decoding by the receiver Noise Feedback Chapter 15
The Communication Process Chapter 15
Types of Communication Interpersonal communication Two-way communication Involves two or more people in some kind of person-to-person exchange Mass communication One-way communication Involves communicating to huge audiences, usually through mass media Chapter 15
15-2 TYPES OF PROMOTION Chapter 15 GOALS Explain the advantages and disadvantages of advertising as a type of promotion. Describe the ways that public relations can be used to generate publicity. Identify the benefits and drawbacks of using personal selling to promote a product or service. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using short-term incentives as sales promotions. Chapter 15
Advertising Advantages of advertising Disadvantages of advertising Chapter 15
Examples of Mass Media Advertising Ambient Direct mail Internet Outdoor Print Radio Television Chapter 15
Public Relations Advantages of public relations Disadvantages of public relations Chapter 15
Personal Selling Advantages of personal selling Disadvantages of personal selling Chapter 15
Sales Promotion Advantages of sales promotion Disadvantages of sales promotion Chapter 15
MIXING THE PROMOTIONAL PLAN 15-3 MIXING THE PROMOTIONAL PLAN GOALS Explain the five major factors that affect the promotional mix. Describe the seven steps in the promotional planning process. Chapter 15
Elements of the Promotional Mix Advertising Personal selling Public relations Sales promotion Chapter 15
The Promotional Mix Promotional objective Target market Marketing mix Company philosophy Resources Chapter 15
Promotional Planning The promotional plan is a carefully arranged sequence of promotions designed around a common theme responsive to specific objectives. Chapter 15
The Steps in Promotional Planning Evaluate the results Implement the promotional plan Develop the promotional mix Set the promotional budget Identify promotional objectives Select the target market Research and analyze the market Chapter 15