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Presentation transcript:

Government & Economics The Meaning of Citizenship

What it Means to be a Citizen A citizen is a person with certain rights and duties under a government. Rights – openly express opinions and protection under laws Duties – pay taxes and obey laws U.S. Government Citizenship Services

Who is a Citizen? a person who by birth or choice owes allegiance to this nation (U.S. Constitution) Your are a citizen if: -you were born in the U.S. or its territories -at least one of your parents was a citizen when you were born -you have been naturalized: you have gone through the process of becoming a citizen -you were under age 18 when your parents were naturalized

Who is a Citizen? alien – a citizen of one country who lives in another country. Naturalized citizens have all the rights and duties of citizens by birth, except the right to be President or Vice President. You can give up citizenship to become a citizen of another country. Citizenship can be taken away from a person is convicted of trying to overthrow the government. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Take a practice citizenship test!

The Office of Citizen Citizens have the power to decide what our government will and will not do Citizens elect representatives – people who are chosen to speak and act for their fellow citizens in government. Hold office only as long as constituents wish


U.S. Foreign Embassy Website Rights of Citizens vote & hold elected office freedom of speech (verbal & written) freedom of religion right to a fair trial government protection while working/traveling in other countries U.S. Foreign Embassy Website

Duties of Citizens obey laws pay taxes -jury of peers: a group of ordinary citizens who hear a case and decide whether the accused person is innocent or guilty. -witnesses: people who have seen events or heard conversations related to the crime, or who have special information that may help determine the guilt or innocence of the person on trial. obey laws pay taxes defend the nation (males 18 years & up) Selective Service attend school serve on jury or as witness in court

Responsibilities of Citizens not required but just as important part of being a citizen The Common Good: well-being of all members of society. Vote Holding government office Election campaigns helping out a candidate – a person running for office Influencing Government Serving the Community

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