ERDF evaluation plan 2007-2013 FINLAND Johanna Osenius Ministry of Employment and the Economy
1. Current phase ERDF evaluation working group established 14th August 2008 Chaired by MEE (MA) Members: other ministries, regions (regional councils and TE – centers), social partners Evaluation plan for 2007-2013 as well as Action Plan 2007-2010 prepared and approved by the working group in September 2008 Is sent for information to the Monitoring Committees and Structural Fund Management Board in October 2008 A smaller group established under the working group to deal with tender documentation and selection Tender documentations finalized in November 2008 Selection of service provided in the beginning of 2009 Kick of meeting to the evaluators -> early spring
2. Main principles (1/2) Weight on on-going strategic evaluation Evaluators participating closely on the implementation and monitoring process on yearly basis Input when preparing annual reports Participation on the MC meetings Annual regional evaluation work shops at NUTS II levels Thematic evaluation work shops Role of intermediate bodies stronger in operational evaluation Increased reporting requirements Focus on results and impacts, e.g. on efficiency of actions and management
2. Main principles (2/2) Thematic approach Sustainable development as separate theme to ensure high quality of expertise Equality and non-discrimination as cross-cutting theme Interim evaluation included Report ready in autumn 2010 First outputs already spring 2009 The most urgent issues requiring actions (e.g. project selection criteria)
3. Targets (1/2) Implementation of OPs Get analytical information on Implementation of OPs Impacts and results of the activities implemented under the programmes How actions have helped to achieve the targets and aims of the programmes and NSRF Are the strategies and targets of the programmes and NSRF still valid and well reasoned and realistic Changes in the implementation environments and their impacts on the programme implementation
3. Targets (2/2) Problems occurred during the implementation Success stories and good practices What kind of tools are giving best results Provide information that are needed To improve the implementation of the programmes during the rest of the programming period To make modifications to the programmes is necessary to ensure Best results and impacts Full usage of existing funding To start the preparation of the next programming period and Finnish territorial cohesion policy
4. Themes Business promotion Promotion of innovation and networking and strengthening of knowledge structures Improvement of the accessibility of areas and the operating environment Environmental impacts and sustainable development Are put separately out to tender