Chapter 11. Managing People & Organizing Teams 第十一章 人力資源管理與團隊召募 資訊工程學系 亞洲大學 呂克明教授 二○○六年五月二十九日 11/29/2018
Chapter 11. Managing People & Organizing Teams (第十一章 人力資源管理與團隊召募)(1/2) Introduction (緒論) Understanding Behavior (認識行為模式) Organizational Behavior A Background (組織行為之背景) Selecting the Right Person for the Job (選擇適任的人選) Instruction in the Best Methods (最佳方法中之教戰守則) Motivation (激勵) The Oldham-Hackman Job Characteristics Model (Oldham-Hackman工作特性模型) Working Groups (工作小組群) 11/29/2018
Chapter 11. Managing People & Organizing Teams (第十一章 人力資源管理與團隊召募)(2/2) Becoming a Team (成立工作小組) Decision Making (做成決定) Leadership (領導) Organizational Structures (組織架構) Stress (壓力) Health and Safety (健康與安全) 11/29/2018
Introduction (緒論) There will be three (3) concerns: staff selection (雇員甄選計畫) staff development (雇員發展計畫) staff motivation (雇員激勵計畫) We will look at the project leader can encourage effective group working (有效的團隊工作) and decision making (決策) while giving purposeful leadership where needed. As part of the concern for the well-being (福祉) of team members some attention will be paid to stress (壓力) and other issues of health and safety (健康與安全) . 11/29/2018
Understanding Behavior (認識行為模式) People with practical experience of projects invariably identify the handling of people (處理雇員的事務) as an important aspect of project management. The discipline of organizational behavior (OB, 組織行為的訓練) has evolved theories that try to explain people’s behavior. In what follows we will be making references to workers in the OB field such as Taylor, McGregor and Herzberg. 11/29/2018
Organizational Behavior A Background (組織行為之背景) (1/3) The roots of studies in organization behavior can be traced back to work done in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by Frederick Taylor. Taylor attempted to analyze the most productive way of doing manual tasks. The workers were then trained to do the work in that way. *Taylor had three (3) basic objectives to increase the productivity: To select the best person for the job; To instruct them in the best methods; To give incentives in the form of higher wages to the best workers. 11/29/2018
Organizational Behavior A Background (組織行為之背景) (2/3) The cash-oriented view (金錢導向的工作觀) of work of some managers can thus be contrasted with a more rounded vision (八面玲瓏的處事觀) of the person in their place of work. *The two (2) attitudes were labeled Theory X and Theory Y by Donald McGregor. Theory x (X派論者認為人是被動、偷懶的故形成權威領導) holds that: The average human has an innate dislike of work; There is a need therefore for coercion (強制), direction and control; People tend to avoid responsibility. 11/29/2018
Organizational Behavior A Background (組織行為之背景) (3/3) Theory Y (Y派論者認為人是積極創新的故領導較人性化與民主), on the other hand, holds that: Work is as natural as rest or play; External control and coercion are not the only ways of bringing about effort directed towards the company’s ends; Commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievement; The average human can learn to accept and further seek responsibility; The capacity to exercise imagination and other creative qualities is widely distributed. 11/29/2018
Selecting the Right Person for the Job (選擇適任的人選) The recruitment process A general approach might be the following: Create a job specification Create a job holder profile Obtain applications Examine CV (Curriculum Vitae,履歷) Interview, etc. Other procedures 11/29/2018
Instruction in the Best Methods (最佳方法中之教戰守則) When new members of the team are recruited, the team leader will need to plan their induction into the team very carefully. Where a project is already well under way, this might not be easy. However, the effort should be made- it should pay off as the new recruit will become a fully effective member of the team more quickly. Just as you formulate a user requirement before considering a new system, and a job holder profile before recruiting a member of a staff, so a training needs profile ought to be drawn up for each staff member when considering specific course. 11/29/2018
Motivation (激勵)(1/3) The Taylorist model- Taylor’s viewpoint is reflected in the use of piece-rates in manufacturing industries and sales bonuses amongst sales forces. Piece-rates can cause difficulties if a new system will change work practices. If new technology improves productivity, adjusting piece-rates to reflect this will be a sensitive issue. Usually, radical changes in work practices have to be preceded by a move from piece-rates to day-rates. Rewards based on piece-rates need to relate directly to work produced. Where a computer application is being developed, it is difficult to isolate and quantify work done by an individual, as system development and support is usually a team effort. A reward system that makes excessive distinctions between co-workers could damage morale and productivity. Organization sometimes get around this problem by giving bonuses to project team members at the end of a successful project. 11/29/2018
Motivation (激勵)(2/3) Maslow’s hierarchy of needs 1.生理需求(Physiological Needs): 2.安全需求(Safety Needs): 3.愛與隸屬的需求(Needs for Love and Belonging): 4.尊嚴需求(Needs for Esteem): 5.自我實現需求(Needs for Self-Actualization): 6.認知需求(Needs to Know and Understand): 7.審美需求(Aesthetic Needs): 11/29/2018
Motivation (激勵)(3/3) Herzberg’s two-factor theory (赫茲伯格雙因素理論) Hygienes lower-level needs extrinsic factors (environmental factors) Motivators higher-level needs intrinsic factors (the job itself) A theory of motivation based on job satisfaction. A satisfied employee is motivated from within to work harder. A dissatisfied worker is not self-motivated to work. Conclusion: Enriched jobs are the key to self-motivation. The expectancy theory of motivation 11/29/2018
The Oldham-Hackman Job Characteristics Model (Oldham-Hackman工作特性模型)(1/2) Managers should group together the elements of tasks to be carried out so that they form meaningful and satisfying assignment. Oldham and Hackman suggest that the satisfaction that a job gives is based on five (5) factors. The first three (3) factors make the job meaningful to the person who is doing it are: Skill variety Task identify Task significance The other two (2) factors are: Autonomy Feedback 11/29/2018
The Oldham-Hackman Job Characteristics Model (Oldham-Hackman工作特性模型)(2/2) Methods of improving motivation Set specific goals Provide feedback Consider job design *Two (2) measures are often used to enhance job design – job enlargement and job enrichment. Job enlargement Job enrichment 11/29/2018
Working Groups (工作小組群) A problem with major software projects is that they always involve working in groups, and many people attracted to software development find this difficult. Formal groups can be either the developmental groupings seen on organization hierarchy diagrams reflecting the formal management structure, or task groups which carry out specific tasks. Task groups might call on people from different departments and would usually be disbanded once the task was completed. 11/29/2018
Becoming a Team (成立工作小組)(1/11) *It is suggested that teams go through five (5) basic stages of development: Forming; Storming; Norming; Performing; Adjourning. Group performance - One way of categorizing group tasks is into: Additive tasks (加成作用的工作); Compensatory tasks (補償作用的工作); Disjunctive tasks (指認正確的工作); Conjunctive tasks (慢工細活的工作). 11/29/2018
Becoming a Team (成立工作小組)(2/11) Teams and IT development staff in an organization will often belong to a department depending on their technical expertise staff from different technical areas could then be brought together to work on a project once project is completed, team may be disbanded 11/29/2018
Becoming a Team (成立工作小組)(3/11) forming storming norming performing adjourning stages in becoming a team team-building exercises can help the process of becoming a team 11/29/2018
Becoming a Team (成立工作小組)(4/11) Getting the right mix Meredith Belbin studied teams working together on management games found that the academically brightest teams often did badly e.g. arguments implementation of plans neglected etc. gave psychometric tests to participants to identify best mix of team members 11/29/2018
Becoming a Team (成立工作小組)(5/11) Belbin’s management team types The chair/coordinator not necessarily a strong leader but must be good at controlling meetings: calm, strong, but tolerant The plant good at generating ideas The monitor-evaluator good at evaluating ideas and helping to select the best one The shaper rather a worrier, helps direct the team’s attention to important issues; a driver The team worker/implementer good at creating a good team environment and getting people to do things The resource investigator good at finding resources and information The completer-finisher focused in getting task completed The company worker a good team player who is willing to undertake less attractive tasks if they are needed for team success The specialist the ‘techie’ interested in knowledge for its own sake 11/29/2018
Becoming a Team (成立工作小組)(6/11) Typical problems more than one shaper and no strong chair - arguments over direction several plants and specialists, but no shapers or completer-finishers - interesting discussions but nothing gets implemented 11/29/2018
Becoming a Team (成立工作小組)(7/11) General advice Time your interventions, don’t overwhelm the others in the team Be flexible Be restrained Keep the common goals of the team in mind all the time 11/29/2018
Becoming a Team (成立工作小組)(8/11) Types of group work Should you divide work up between you or should you do it as a group? It depends partly on the type of work additive tasks (加成作用的工作) compensatory tasks (補償作用的工作) disjunctive tasks (指認正確的工作) conjunctive tasks (慢工細活的工作) 11/29/2018
Becoming a Team (成立工作小組)(9/11) *Two (2) types of task Additive (加成作用的) effort of individuals added together to get end result people are interchangeable e.g. shovelling snow, interviewing people in the street Compensatory (補償作用的) judgements of individuals are pooled errors by some can be corrected by others e.g. estimating costs, effort 11/29/2018
Becoming a Team (成立工作小組)(10/11) *Two (2) types of activity Disjunctive (指認正確的) only one correct answer getting answer depends on: someone getting the right answer others recognizing it as being correct! Conjunctive (慢工細活的) progress depends on the progress of the slowest performer software projects often like this 11/29/2018
Becoming a Team (成立工作小組)(11/11) ‘social loafing’ (社會虛閒) team members who are parasites (寄生蟲) particular problem with student groups, but also in work environments can be alleviated by: making work of individuals identifiable consciously involving group member in the project outcomes rewarding individuals for team contribution cf. ‘club player of the year’ in sports teams 11/29/2018
Decision Making (做成決定) Decisions can be categorized as being: Structured Unstructured Some mental obstacles to good decision making Faculty heuristics Escalation of commitment Information overload Group decision making Obstacles to good group decision making Measures to reduce the disadvantages of group decision making 11/29/2018
Leadership (領導)(1/2) Types of power: position power coercive power - threatening punishment connection power legitimate power reward power Types of power: personal power expert power information power referent power (based on personal attractiveness/ charisma,八面玲瓏) 11/29/2018
Leadership (領導)(2/2) decision-making directive permissive implementation autocrat democrat Leadership styles 11/29/2018
Organizational Structures (組織架構) Formal versus informal structure Hierarchical approach Staff versus line Departmentalization egoless programming Chief programmer teams 11/29/2018
Stress (壓力) An American project manager is quoted as saying: “Once a project gets rolling, you should expect members to be putting in at least 60 hours a week. The project leader must expect to put in as many hours as possible.” Some pressure is actually healthy. Beyond a certain level of pressure, however, the quality of work decreases and health can be affected. Stress can be caused by role ambiguity (角色混淆 ) when staff do not have clear idea of the objectives that their work is supposed to be fulfilling, what is expected of them by others and the precise scope of their responsibilities. Role conflict (角色衝突 ) can also heighten stress. This is where the person is torn between the demands of two different roles. 11/29/2018
Health and Safety (健康與安全) Health and safety issues are more prominent in construction and other heavy engineering projects than in IT development. Sometime, however, the implementation of office systems requires the creation of physical infrastructure which can have inherent physical dangers. The IT infrastructure could, for example, be installed in a building where construction work is still going on. Responsibility for safety must be clearly defined at all levels, some points that will need to be considered include. 11/29/2018
Homework HW#11 (習題) What Taylor had three (3) basic objectives to increase the productivity are? The two (2) attitudes were labeled Theory X and Theory Y by Donald McGregor. Please describe them. Two (2) measures are often used to enhance job design. What are they? It is suggested that teams go through five (5) basic stages of development. What are they? What are two (2) types of task? What are two (2) types of activity? 11/29/2018