Where Should Users Go With Questions? The SSC Support Infrastructure at Virginia Tech Leadership Team Examples: Contacts Should we run a college-wide campaign to support transfer degree planning Can we encourage faculty to submit early alerts for sophomore students Questions about student success initiative (overall), processes, policies, etc. EABhelp@vt.edu Application Administrator(s) Examples: I forgot my password! Can I have access to the SSC Campus platform? Why can’t I schedule an appointment at x location? Why don’t I have access to x, when my colleague does? Contacts Questions about logging in, user access, permissions settings, site configurations, data discrepancies. EABhelp@vt.edu Specialists Examples: Contacts How do I send a message to a student? How do I create a work list for this campaign I’d like to run? Questions about platform functionality, technological protocols at your institution, and best practices for using SSC EABhelp@vt.edu The SSC Support Infrastructure at EAB Dedicated Consultant Examples: Contacts Questions about strategy, risk modeling, data analysis and interpretation, EAB research, and future platform development Do you have research on integrating career and academic advising? How do I calculate the impact of my intervention? Anna Fuselier afuselier@eab.com Experiencing site issues