Narrative Elements & Character Profiles LORD OF THE FLIES Narrative Elements & Character Profiles
Simpson preview of their satirical LOTF – Das Bus Simpson preview of their satirical LOTF – Das Bus
Narrator / Point of View 3rd person ominiscient Anonymous
Tone Dark, eerie, dreary Unsafe, depressing Bipolar Suspenseful
Setting (time and place) WWII ish. Through the cold war Unknown pacific ocean tropical island
Major Conflict Conflict over leadership Survival Internal vs. external conflict Civilization vs savagery Instinct toward each of these ideas or themes
Rising Action The conch is blown and the group assembles Vote for the leader, which causes tension between Ralph and Jack Jack’s interest in hunting only Ralph and safety (shelter)
Character Profiles
Ralph 12 ish Attractive young lad Fair haired Respect others Shows natural leadership, charismatic Focus on shelter, rescue, and safety
Piggy Sweet, chubby youngster Intelligent, represents science Chatty, shy, self conscious Vulnerable Little annoying Not physical Glasses and fire
Jack Strong leader Egomaniacal, antithesis of Ralph Antagonist Represent the instinct towards savagery Threatening appearance, ugly Focus on hunting pigs Hate for Piggy
Simon Quiet Loyal to Ralph Embodies an innate, spiritual human goodness - morality
Symbols: Piggy’s glasses Signal fire Conch shell The beast The main characters each represent ideas and / or themes