Achievement Award Evan For sharing and taking turns with his friends when choosing songs. Well done Evan! Date: 1st December 2017
Achievement Award Keira For getting changed for her PE lesson with minimal support. Well done Keira! Date: 1st December 2017
Achievement Award Luke For fantastic work in literacy lessons - reading a text, finding key symbols and answering questions. Well done Luke! Date: 1st December 2017
Achievement Award Sienna For fantastic singing and signing during the Christmas play rehearsal and song practice in class. Well done Sienna! Date: 1st December 2017
Achievement Award Alice For independently using paint and marbles to decorate her Jewish Kippah. Well done Alice! Date: 1st December 2017
Achievement Award Alix For engaging with the mirror work and tolerating a hat in the winter themed music session. Well done Alix! Date: 1st December 2017
Achievement Award Amber-Louise For engaging well in all of her lessons and independently making bird feeders . Well done Amber! Date: 1st December 2017
Achievement Award Leland For remembering all of the parts of a sentence - including verbs and adjectives and naming them in his own sentence. Well done Leland! Date: 1st December 2017
Achievement Award Nalin For excellent work in shape lessons – recognising simple shapes correctly and playing a new PECS game differentiating between colour and sizes of shape with minimal support. Well done Nalin! Date: 1st December 2017
Achievement Award Rosie For excellent independent signing during the makaton choir session. Well done Rosie! Date: 1st December 2017
Achievement Award Brendan For maintaining his attention and staying quiet whilst watching Cars 3 at the Vue cinema. Well done Brendan! Date: 1st December 2017
Communicator of the Week Luke For signing all of the Christmas play songs. Well done Luke! Date: 1st December 2017
Communicator of the Week Isaac For fantastic signing of ‘dinner’ when he was told that playtime had finished and it was ‘dinner time’. For signing ‘fun’ at the end of ‘good afternoon’ songs - smiling and looking at the adult. Well done Isaac! Date: 1st December 2017
Communicator of the Week Mia For finding her PECS folder, selecting an orange symbol and going to a member of staff (who was preparing snack) and giving them the symbol. She then found her seat, sat down and waited for the orange. Well done Mia! Date: 1st December 2017
Communicator of the Week Conor For coming up to a member of class staff and asking for the toilet using a symbol independently. Well done Connor! Date: 1st December 2017
Communicator of the Week Ronnie For recognising the fire room labels needed updating and asking Ali to update them, just in time for a fire drill. Date: 1st December 2017
Communicator of the Week Matthew For finding a member of staff in the supermarket and asking for help to find the jelly. Well done Matt! Date: 1st December 2017