Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Dr. Barbara Cooper Deputy Superintendent Gregory L. Hicks Director, Behavioral Learning October 1, 2015
PBIS is a Successful Program Used Nationwide to Help Support Positive Behavior in Schools. Endorsed by experts and consultants agreed upon by both Huntsville City Schools and the Department of Justice Specific Goals: To teach students expected behaviors; To positively reinforce those behaviors; To limit exclusion from the classroom except as required to ensure a safe and productive learning environment Professional Training and Ongoing Supports The University of Alabama Group I includes 5 HCS High Schools and at least one of their feeder schools Endorsed by experts and consultants agreed upon by both Huntsville City Schools and the Department of Justice Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports is a systemwide approach with multiple points of support: District, School, Classroom and Student. Director of Behavioral Learning coordinates training for all school PBIS teams Principals work with their teams to implement the program and classroom teachers actually implement the program daily with their students. SWPBiS is a Framework for enhancing adoption and implementation of continuum of evidence-based interventions to achieve academically and behaviorally important outcomes for all students. Goals: To teach students expected behaviors; To positively reinforce those behaviors; To limit exclusion from the classroom except as required to ensure a safe and productive learning environment Professional Training and Ongoing Supports The University of Alabama Group I includes 5 HCS High Schools and at least one of their feeder schools
Positive School Climate Educational Benefits School Wide PBIS is: Preventative Instructionally Oriented Culturally Responsive Function Based Systems Implementation focused Evidence based SWPBiS is Preventative: 5% High Risk Behavior, 15% of students with At-Risk Behavior and 80% of students who benefit from School Wide Support Instructionally Oriented- taught in the context of the classroom Culturally Responsive – multiple PBiS resources for Equity- disproportionality in education, school ethnicity reports in SWIS Function Based- Foundations in behavioral theor, applied behavior analysis and positive behavior support, looks at the environment; purpose or function of behavior, focus on teaching behaivors, redesign of the teaching and learning environment Systems Implementation focused Evidence based- supports social competence and academic achievement by looking at outcomes, practices, data and systems
PBIS Training is Ongoing for Schools from Every HCS Feeder Pattern Columbia HS Williams Middle Williams Elementary Huntsville HS Huntsville Jr. High Blossomwood Elementary Jones Valley Elemenatry Monte Sano University Place Grissom HS Whitesburg P-8 Johnson HS McNair Jr. High Lakewood Elemenatry Rolling Hills Elementray Lee HS Chapman P-8 Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary Montview Elementary
Team effort with creative ideas to encourage our kids! PBIS Groups Teachers and Principals Together, Led by PBIS Trainers to Develop a Personalized Action Plan for Their School. Every School will have have a leadership team that supports with effective implementation of PBiS Networking among schools- Edmodo site for linking resources, opportunities to review data, committed to fidelity of the program Team effort with creative ideas to encourage our kids!
Positive School Climate Educational Benefits Disciplinary infractions decrease as we teach students expected behaviors Classroom management improves Students learn and understand school expectations District Wide focus on discipline Principals receive discipline data weekly Director of Instruction reviews data and supports principals as needed Principals will learn from each other best practices Benefits of a positive school climate Scholarships Differentiation and personalization with Digital Curriculum ACT and AP Incentives Highly qualified teachers Leadership Engaged students Breakfast in the classroom Disciplinary infractions decrease as we teach students expected behaviors Classroom management improves Students learn and understand school expectations District Wide focus on discipline Principals receive discipline data weekly Director of Instruction reviews data and supports principals as needed Principals will learn from each other best practices Benefits of a positive school climate Scholarships Differentiation and personalization with Digital Curriculum ACT and AP Incentives Highly qualified teachers Leadership Engaged students Breakfast in the classroom
Students are Motivated in Different Ways.
Accepts Responsibility Demonstrates Respect Shows Self-Control PBIS ACRONYM Chapman School L E A D S Learns Exceeds Expectations Accepts Responsibility Demonstrates Respect Shows Self-Control
Huntsville High School
PBIS Offers a Variety of Online and Supports. PBIS.org PBISworld.com http://www.pbis.org www.pbisworld.com
ODR Comparison (First 36 Days of School) 2014-15 vs. 2015-16 Number of Students with an Office Disciplinary Referral (ODR) Academic Year
ILC Comparison (First 36 Days of School) 2014-15 vs. 2015-16 Number of Students Referred to In-House Learning Center (ILC) Academic Year
OSS Comparison (First 36 Days of School) 2014-15 vs. 2015-16 Number of Students with Out of School Suspension (OSS) Academic Year
A Few Words From Our Trainer Sara McDaniel, PhD