LABORATORY AND ASTRONOMICAL DISCOVERY OF HYDROMAGNESIUM ISOCYANIDE C. CABEZAS, J. CERNICHARO, J.L. ALONSO, M. AGÚNDEZ, S. MATA, M. GUELÍN AND I. PEÑA Grupo de Espectroscopia Molecular (GEM), Laboratorios de Espectroscopia y Bioespectroscopia, Unidad Asociada CSIC, UVa,Valladolid, Spain Group of Molecular Astrophysics. ICMM C/Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz N3 Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain CNRS, LAB, UMR 5804, Floirac, France Institut de Radioastronomie Millimétrique, 300 rue de la Piscine, Saint Martin dH´eres, France
INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVATION Metal-containing molecules have been found in the ISM Diatomic molecules; NaCl, KCl, AlF1… Cyanides and Isocyanides: MgNC,2 AlNC,3 SiCN,4 … Open shell metal cyanides and isocyanides present high reactivity towards stable closed shell species MgNC is the most abundant metal isocyanide in the ISM Could HMgNC be present in the ISM? To date, no laboratory data for HMgNC 1Cernicharo, J., & Guélin, M. 1987, A&A, 183, L10 2 Kawaguchi, K., Kagi, E., Hirano, T., et al. 1993, ApJL, 406, L39 3 Ziurys, L. M., Savage, C., Highberger, J. L., et al. 2002, ApJL, 564, L45 4 Guélin, M., Muller, S., Cernicharo, J., et al. 2000, A&A, 363, L9
PREVIOUS RESULTS ON METAL BEARING SPECIES FROM VALLADOLID LAB Pure rotational spectrum of AlCCH and AgCCH have been observed1 using LA-MB-FTMW spectroscopy combined with electric discharges source Precursors: *Solid rods of pure aluminum and silver * Mixture of 0.3 % of C2H2 in Ne Based on these results we tackle the investigation of HMgNC 1Cabezas et al. 2012, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 278, 31
EXPERIMENTAL: LA-MB-FTMW SPECTROSCOPY+DC DISCHARGES FT-MW Spectrometer Fabry-Pérot Resonator Picosecond Laser 4-26 GHz Frequency Range
EXPERIMENTAL: LA-MB-FTMW SPECTROSCOPY+DC DISCHARGES Gas pulse Laser pulse Jet Ne + 0.2% C2H3CN DC pulse Metal sample Electrodes Rotary Diffusion pump Laser Nd:YAG laser
EXPERIMENTAL: LA-MB-FTMW SPECTROSCOPY+DC DISCHARGES Gas pulse FT-MW spectrometer Laser pulse Jet Ne + 0.2% C2H3CN Polarization DC pulse MW pulse MW field Rotary Diffusion pump
EXPERIMENTAL: LA-MB-FTMW SPECTROSCOPY Gas pulse FT-MW spectrometer Laser pulse Ne + 0.2% C2H3CN DC pulse MW pulse Molecular emission Detection Rotary Diffusion pump Detection Frequency-domain FT Time-domain
ROTATIONAL SPECTRUM Find optimal experimental conditions J= 3/2-1/2 F= 5/2-3/2 Find optimal experimental conditions for Mg compounds *Laser ablation and electric discharges *Trial with different gas mixtures Generation of MgNC
Laboratory identification of HMgNC ROTATIONAL SPECTRUM Ju Fu Jl Fl ν (MHz) νo -νc (kHz) 1 10962.305 0.2 2 10962.966 0.3 10963.954 -1.8 21924.979 -1.2 21925.089 -1.5 21925.643 2.5 3 21925.688 0.5 21926.741 0.4 Laboratory Theory B / MHz 5481.4333 (6) 5438.2 D / kHz 2.90 (8) - eQq (N) / MHz -2.200 (2) -1.95 rms / kHz 1.2 Laboratory identification of HMgNC
ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS OF HMgNC IRAM 30m telescope at Pico Veleta (Spain) The 30m beam size at the observing frequencies ranges from 29´´ for the J = 8–7 transition to 17´´ for the J = 13–12 line.
ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS OF HMgNC IRAM 30m telescope at Pico Veleta (Spain) Ju Fu Jl Fl ν (MHz) Unc(MHz) νo -νc (kHz) 1 10962.305 .003 0.2 2 10962.966 0.3 10963.954 -1.8 21924.979 -1.2 21925.089 -1.5 21925.643 2.5 3 21925.688 0.5 21926.741 0.4 8 7 87697.500 .400 584.5 10 9 109616.700 -210.4 12 11 131533.900 1.000 -182.6 13 142490.900 -533.8 9 8 98657.3 Fully blended with 111,10-101,9 of C4H2 11 10 120576.0 Blocked Earth’s Atmosphere Laboratory IRC+10216 B / MHz 5481.4333 (6) 5481.49 (3) D / kHz 2.90 (8) 2.94 (5) eQq (N) / MHz -2.200 (2) - rms / kHz 1.2 Detection of HMgNC in the carbon rich evolved star IRC+10216 Cabezas et al. ApJ 775, 133, 2013
FUTURE PROJECTS Investigation of new metal-containing molecules candidates for interstellar detection, including Si, Mg, Na or Ca Developing of new experimental techniques to create and characterize metal bearing species Find in future observations with ALMA signatures of metal (Mg, Ca, Fe) bearing radicals and closed shell molecules which could provide information on where the different species are formed in the circumstellar envelope and, hence, on their formation mechanism
CSD 2009-00038 Molecular Astrophysics ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Grupo de Espectroscopia Molecular (GEM) Laboratorios de Espectroscopia y Bioespectroscopia, Unidad Asociada CSIC, UVa,Valladolid, Spain Grants CTQ 2010- 19008, AYA 2009-07304 and AYA 2012-32032 CSD 2009-00038 Molecular Astrophysics Grants VA070A08 and CIP13/01