Principal Recipient Briefing Session


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Presentation transcript:

Principal Recipient Briefing Session 7 th August 2018

South Africa is eligible for catalytic funding: Overview of South Africa’s funding opportunity from the Global Fund : 2019-2022 The Country’s Allocation Disease split: Eligible Disease Component Allocation US$ Allocation Utilization Period HIV 292,616,099 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2022 TB 60,705,022 Total 353,321,121 South Africa is eligible for catalytic funding: HIV: Programs to remove human rights-related barriers to health services HIV: Adolescent girls and young women TB: Finding missing TB cases 5,000,000 6,000,000 The total funding available: Eligible Disease Component Allocation US$ Catalytic Funding Available Total HIV 292,616,099 10,000,000 302,616,099 TB 60,705,022 6,000,000 66,705,022 353,321,121 16,000,000 369,321,121

Overview of South Africa’s funding opportunity from the Global Fund Focus of the Application South Africa is classified as an upper-middle-income country, based on the World Bank classifications of income. Requirements from the Global Fund based on categorisation: 100% of the funding request for disease-specific interventions should be designed for maintaining or scaling-up evidenced-based interventions for key and vulnerable populations (as defined in NSP) TB/HIV integrated services and approaches Focus on sustainability and greater reliance on domestic resources Additionality to country programmes Focused on strategic gaps in the national response Can request funding for key program components, as long as they do not replace existing domestic funding for these interventions. Coupled with high disease burden Global Fund grants are intended to be additional health investment rather than a replacement of usual government commitments

High Level Priorities Comprehensive and integrated HIV/TB/SRHR/socioeconomic programs for adolescent girls and young women (in and out of school, including men and boys). Comprehensive, integrated, peer-Led HIV/TB/SRHR programs for HIV key populations (men who have sex with men, transgender people, sex workers and people who inject drugs). HIV Treatment, care and support as part of comprehensive programs for key and vulnerable populations listed above. Focused and comprehensive TB/DR-TB/HIV case finding and prevention (in facilities and communities). Building resilient and sustainable health and community systems. Removing gender- and human rights-related barriers to accessing services

PR Selection for Next Grant The 18 & 19 April CCM endorsed that there will be 6 PRs in total in the upcoming grant, as opposed to the current 8 in response to findings of the OIG NDOH as a PR x1 3 other PRs already selected through an open and competitive process (Government and Civil Society) 1 x PR already selected to mobilise the private sector response Attract co-investment from private sector Work collaboratively for employees and communities 1 x CSO PR to be selected through a transparent and competitive process (this call for applications) Focus on advocacy work with key population networks for social mobilisation

Implementation Arrangements One PR looking after all GF work in a province that reports to, builds capacity of, and works with the PCA and District AIDS Councils to strengthen leadership and multi sectoral response and optimise partnerships for efficiency (a PR looks after more than one province as relevant) Focused coverage of all districts chosen: NDOH, CS and PS PR Employs one SR per district per programme area PRs to be grant managers rather than implementers, so focus will be on management of SRs. But must have some experience in HIV and/or TB programme implementation and preferably in high level priorities. To employ programme experts for quality assurance, knowledge sharing and co-ordination across SRs at district level

Why this option Co-ordination through one PR and one contact person for the AIDS councils at provincial and district level. Capacity building of these structures by the one PR. More funds flow through to SRs than being spent at PR level. Stimulation of local economies through involvement of district based SRs Balances the need to deliver results while advancing the transformation agenda. Better presentation of impact of work in the province and accountability.

Call for Proposals CALL FOR APPLICATIONS TO SERVE AS PRINCIPAL RECIPIENT OF SOUTH AFRICA’S HIV AND TB REQUEST FOR FUNDING TO THE GLOBAL FUND TO FIGHT AIDS,TB AND MALARIA The South Africa Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism (GF CCM) submitted a request for funding (RFF) on 6 August 2018 to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (GF) covering the period from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2022. The GF CCM has determined that it will need six (6) Principal Recipients(PRs) to implement this grant and has ring-fenced three PR spots for the National Department of Health (NDOH), a civil society organisation (CSO) to focus on advocacy with key population networks and a private sector body to bring co-investment and drive alignment to the National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB and STIs (NSP) hence improving efficiency and effectiveness of investment of the private sector for the benefit t of employees and their communities. Now the GF CCM calls for applications from civil society organisations that wish to serve as a PR for the HIV and TB grant, focusing on advocacy with key population networks. The GF CCM has therefore issued the following call for applications to nominate one PR: • Bid CCM/PR/2018/03 – To nominate one PR that will manage the implementation of the element of the GF grant that will focus on advocacy with key population networks by sub-recipients across the country. The terms of reference, other reference materials and the application forms can be downloaded from the SANAC website: Applicants are advised to assess their eligibility against the pre-qualification criteria before submitting their applications. Applications can be deposited in the tender box located at: The SANAC offices on 2nd Floor, Block E, Hatfi eld Gardens, 333 Grosvenor Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0001. All applications must be clearly marked with the bid number. THE CLOSING DATE AND TIME IS 20 AUGUST AT 12H00. No late submissions will be accepted.

Pre-qualification criteria for non-government PRs The BBBEE level must be either 1, 2 or 3: with a supporting certificate or affidavit being attached. Applicants have to meet the above requirements for their submissions to be evaluated further. The next steps are an administrative check and then applications can go on to formal evaluation

BBBEE Measurement

PR Nomination Process We are not looking for work plans or budgets in the applications as the PRs will manage programmes chosen and designed by the GF CCM (and approved by the GF) and to be implemented through Sub Recipients. PR applications are reviewed by the PR selection panel (chosen by the CCM) and then short listed. Those short listed are presented to the CCM for a choice to be made. In this call for applications there is only one position available. The criteria listed in the PR selection manual and bid documents relate to the short listing process and not the final CCM process. The GF CCM nominates Principal Recipients but the Global Fund confirms them after a full evaluation. So a PR has to meet the criteria set by the Global Fund

Global Fund Application Process Countries apply to receive funding (within their allocations) through a multistep process .

Timelines PR Selection Process Stages Date/period 1. Publication of call (plus PR selection manual and supporting docs) 27,28,29 July 2. Compulsory Briefing session at SANAC Offices 7 August 3. Panel members to be orientated Dates TBC with members 4. Deadline for submitting applications 20 August 12h00 5. List of applicants available on Sanac website ( 22 August 16h00 6. Evaluation period (indicative) during which additional details may be requested, a presentation to the PR evaluation sub-committee will be required for those shortlisted and an on-site visit may be done to evaluate PR capacity. 22 August to 18 September 7. CCM Decision at CCM Meeting followed by Feedback to applicants  TBC late September 8. Successful candidates will participate in grant negotiation after feedback from Technical review Panel. After TRP feedback and responses– starting October 9. PRs to select SRs October –December 10. PR Capacity Assessment (LFA and GF) that will lead to the final choice of PRs and then these will engage in the grant negotiation process. December 2018 to March 2019

Things to note Please keep watching the website for any changes The PR selection Manual is being updated based on input from the Appeals panel- make the two step process clearer. Any new Questions and answers will be placed on the website Only physical submissions (not electronic) as decision is to do everything on site to minimise confidentiality issues. Submit the correct number of copies (10) as specified in the bid documents. PR is grant manager and does not do implementation

Q & A

Thank you ZERO new HIV and TB infections new infections due to vertical transmission preventable HIV and TB deaths HIV and TB discrimination