Thermal Energy on the Move How well do you understand your notes? Based on P. 152-158
Conduction Conduction requires the direct contact of particles. How might that happen? How would it relate to kinetic energy? How would it relate to density? Why would most solids conduct heat better than liquids or gases? How might you insulate against heat loss by conduction?
Convection In conduction, particles collide but remain in approximately the same location. How does convection differ from this? Why doesn’t convection of heat happen in solids? How is convection related to kinetic energy? How is it related to density? How might you insulate against heat loss by convection?
Radiation Radiant energy moves through waves, called electromagnetic radiation. What are some examples of electromagnetic radiation? What happens to objects that absorb radiant energy? What happens to those that reflect it? How can you predict which surfaces will absorb and which will reflect? How might you insulate against heat loss by radiation?
Insulating Materials Insulators do not allow heat to move easily through them. Some stop conduction, some convection and some electromagnetic radiation. Why would materials that trap air be good insulators? Name some insulators that trap air.
Insulating Materials Building materials are given an R-value to help consumers make choices. What does a high R-value mean? Why might better insulation be placed in a ceiling than in a wall or floor? Why does double-pane window glass insulate better than single-pane? How is a vacuum bottle thermos similar to a double-pane window?