The Journey to SENCo
The National Award for SENCo Qualification The Award is validated at Masters level and provides 60 credits. An eligible teacher has 3 years in which to complete their national SENCo training. Two modules which each consisted of 3 taught days and 2 study days. Module 1 was broken down into three assignments with a total word count of 5000 words. Module 2 was a small scale action research (5000 words) SENCo Learning Outcomes Portfolio.
Typical Day Making phone calls to external agencies. Answering emails from staff and outside agencies. Completing referral forms. Meeting with parents. Arranging meetings Attending meetings. Monitoring data.
Other Responsibilities Complete statement review meetings Observe interventions Scrutinise planning Meet with students Check IEPs are completed correctly and are SMART. Attend child causing concern meetings Complete inclusion reviews. Feedback to governors. Lease with the Learning Mentor and Counsellor. Run training or source training. Lead INSETs Attend planning meetings with the Educational Psychologist
Main changes to the SEN Code of Practice… Draft Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice: for 0 to 25 years. Greater focus on making a successful transition to adulthood Statutory guidance for organisations who work with and support children and young people with SEN Final Draft SEN Code of Practice: Friday 4th October 2013 replaced the Indicative Draft SEN Code of Practice The views of children and young people and on their role in decision-making A co-ordinated assessment process and the new 0-25 Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC plan) for those with complex needs New guidance on the support pupils and students should receive in education and training settings give parents and young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan the right to a personal budget for their support.