Statutory Selection Boards How does the board process work? Promotion Planning Board Preparation Record Review Briefing/Voting
Officer Promotion Plan Completed by Promotion Planners in Washington (N-13) with input from community managers a 5-year plan used to estimate end strength requirements and promotion opportunities only current year is fixed – out years subject to change as needed to manage end strength Percentage to Select by Pay Grade and Board (URL, EDO, HR, DC, MSC, SC, CHC, etc) There is a lot of planning that must take place before any promotion board is convened in Millington. I will give you an overview of the promotion planning process. Every year a promotion plan is written by promotion planners in N13 in Washington, D.C. The promotion plan lists promotion opportunity and identifies the zones for the upcoming boards. This promotion plan becomes the basis for the Zone ALNAV which is released every year in December. The Zone ALNAV delineates who is eligible for a promotion board by lineal number. By Navy policy eligibles must receive 30 days notice that they are eligible prior to a board being convened. In addition a five year zone forecast is published to help detailers project when an eligible may be “In Zone” for promotion. A separate Flag Plan is released each year which cover flag officer promotion boards.
Promotion Plan: The Process (Washington) Promotions are function of strength by grade based on: Legal Limit: DOPMA Grade Table - Limits the number of CAPT/CDR/LCDRs based on total officer strength No DOPMA limits on Medical and Dental Corps Vacancies: Promotions, Retirements, Separations Requirement The Defense Officer Personnel Management Act (DOPMA) limits the number of officers on active duty in the armed forces. DOPMA also delineates how many officers may be serving in a current grade at any given time (including frocked officers). DOPMA grade relief which is being phased in allows up to six percent more officers than previously allowed. Vacancies are caused by a number of factors and are hard to predict when the promotion plan is being written. Vacancy analysis is being done eighteen months prior to the first officer being promoted for a given fiscal year. Promotions to a higher grade, the number of retirements and separations must be estimated. The promotion planner knows the number of officers authorized by DOPMA and compares that against the number of officers in a current grade adjusted for vacancies. The difference is the requirement for officers that must be selected for a given board.
Promotion Zone Goal (The Law) - provide relatively similar opportunity over a five year period Promotion Zone is the size of the population considered to fill projected requirement Composition of the zone is determined by lineal seniority Independent of Year Group Zone size is a function of promotion opportunity Greater opportunity = smaller zone Once the vacancies are known, the size of the zone to fill vacancies can be established. The law says that there should be a relatively similar opportunity for promotion within a competitive category and grade over a five year period. A number of factors such as the number of officers available in future years, and flow points which will be discussed later must be considered before final opportunity can be determined. Once opportunity is determined the zone size can be established. For example the opportunity to select to O-6 is set at 50% and the projected vacancies are 200. The In Zone size would be 400. That means the next 400 officers on the officer precedence list who had not previously been considered would establish the in zone group. Precedence numbers are used to establish the zones and are published in the zone ALNAV. Promotion zones are independent of year groups and officers with the same date of rank are sometimes considered to be in zone on two different selection boards. If opportunity was reduced to 40% then 500 officers would be in-zone to fill the 200 anticipated vacancies.
Promotion Opportunity Opportunity: “Chance” of selection (determines zone size) Selection Rate: % of all officers selected for promotion Max. number of selects based on authorized % from in the zone Includes officers selected from above/in/below the zone Max Below Zone Legal Limit: 15% / Navy Policy 10% Above Zone: No limit Flow Point: Average years of service when an officer is promoted (paid) to the next grade. Opportunity is used to determine the number of people who are going to be considered “In zone”. Officers who are actually selected for promotion can come from Above, in or below the promotion zone. In general terms all officers who have had an in zone look on a previous board at the same grade are considered above zone. Current Navy policy allows for two below zone looks so all officers who are projected to be in zone for the next two years would be considered below zone. All officers on the active duty list whose lineal number falls above the junior eligible is considered by the board. The overall selection rate is determined by taking the total number of eligibles selected from all zones divided by the number of in zone eligibles. There is a limit on the number of officers who can be selected from below the promotion zone. The law allows a maximum of 15% of the selects to below zone. Navy policy allows a maximum of 10%. Flow points are established by the Department of Defense and identify the average years of commissioned service when an officer is promoted to a given grade.
Promotion Opportunity Eligible by Zone Total Eligible 60 AZ 40 IZ + = 100 Eligible Officers But..! 40 IZ x 50% = 20 Selects
DoD Parameters CAPT CDR LCDR LT LTJG ENS Promotion Flow Opportunity Point 50 +- 10% 70 +- 10% 80 +-10% AFQ 21-23 yrs 15-17 yrs 9-11 yrs 4 yrs 2 yrs CDR LT LTJG ENS CAPT LCDR DoD requires that officers in all the services be similarly treated. On the left hand side of the slide you see promotion opportunity for all officers (actually, DoD only specifies LCDR and above) The FY01 opportunity for URL CAPT was 57%. The FY01 opportunity for URL CDR was 70%. The FY01 opportunity for URL LCDR was 85%. On the right side the flow points or the promotion timing that should be followed by all the services are listed. The FY01 CAPT flow point was 21-04 The FY01 CDR flow point was 15-07 The FY01 LCDR flow point was 10-03 The Navy promotes officers earlier than some of the other services. AFQ means “all full qualified”. That is, all officers that are fully qualified for promotion whether in, or above, the promotion zone may be selected for promotion.
Promotion Zone Size Zones are five year estimates Only the current year zone size is firm Why does the zone size change? Changes in requirements and vacancies Estimating losses is a challenge Change in total number of officers allowed by grade (DOPMA changes) Meeting the goal/law of “relatively similar opportunity” over a five year period Zone sizes change frequently from estimates in earlier promotion plans. There are a number of factors why zone sizes change. Some common factors are listed. Detailers receive the five year estimates and have them available to help you make career planning decisions. They are always subject to change.
Officer Promotion Plan: When Am I Eligible? Promotion plan is basis for ZONE NAVADMIN (always comes out in December - 30 days prior to first board) FY08 Zone Msg is NAVADMIN 341/06. Based on your Date of Rank and Lineal Number (available on BUPERS ACCESS or BUPERS ONLINE websites, Naval Register also)
Pre-board (Millington) Execute Promotion Plan Verify Eligibility: Constantly changing Computer Continuity Check of Regular FITREPs PRECEPT routed to SECNAV’s office Membership / Assistant Recorders Volunteer through detailer Now I will discuss some of the things that are done prior to the Assistant Recorders arriving for prep week. The eligibility pool is established approximately two months prior to the board convening based on lineal number and changes daily prior to the board convening. Changes occur for a number of reasons such as transfers, resignations, and retirements. The list of eligibles is passed to the selection board support section so they can do a continuity check of regular FITREPs in eligibles records. Although messages are sent out to commands advising of major gaps in performance, it is best for eligibles to order their record on CD before the board to ensure all documents are present. Members and recorders have been chosen IAW Navy policy and their names are routed to SECNAV in the Precept. We will discuss board membership composition later in the brief.
YOUR PERFORMANCE IS UNKNOWN IF YOUR RECORD IS NOT UP TO DATE!!! Board Recorder Week STARTS ONE WEEK PRIOR TO BOARD Manual Reviews (DONE AS A COURTESY TO ELIGIBLE!) Regular Fitreps for the last five years Check that OSR/PSR accurately reflects fitrep grades and awards Verify Awards / Education Messages sent for missing fitreps only! YOUR PERFORMANCE IS UNKNOWN IF YOUR RECORD IS NOT UP TO DATE!!! I will now discuss actions that happen after the recorders arrive. For most boards the recorders arrive one week prior to the board actually being convened. This is the first time that someone other than the eligible will review the record as it will appear before the selection board. Only above and in zone records receive a full record review by an assistant recorder. The record is reviewed for several things including regular report continuity for the last five years. While the eligible should ensure day for day continuity in regular fitness reports the asst recorders do not write error reports for gaps of less than 90 days or when a person is clearly in a not observed status such as a period of time while attending PG school as a student. The OSR/PSR is checked to see that FITREP grades are accurate. The record is reviewed to ensure that award citations are present for the number and type of awards that are listed on the OSR/PSR. An assistant recorder verifies that an eligible has a photo in current grade. Most important is that all eligibles review their record and OSR/PSR for accuracy and completeness. Many eligibles do not worry about their record until they fail to select and by that time it is too late to exercise due diligence. Due diligence is one of the elements which must be met if an eligible requests a special board due to a missing FITREP. Special boards will be covered later in the brief.
Officer/Performance Summary Record (OSR / PSR) Annotated to Identify: Joint Officers (JSO, JCS, OJT) Acquisition Professionals (AP) SECNAV Approved Resignations (Voluntary) SECNAV Approved Retirements (Voluntary) Fiche 5 Now Field Code 17 Letter to Board Zone (AZ, IZ, BZ) Stamps are applied to PSR cover pages which are projected in the tank. This slide identifies some of the stamps that are applied. I will cover some of the stamps that are not self explanatory. JSO- Compete to be awarded this designation by a admin board after joint tour, Phase 1 and Phase 2 Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) are complete. Once qual attained record is always stamped. JCS- Have served in current grade or currently serving on the Joint Staff. OJT- Have served in current grade or currently serving in a joint tour other than on the Joint Staff. AP- Awarded this designation by an admin board after significant experience and schooling in acquisition matters. Voluntary resignations and retirements that are requested by the eligible are stamped. Involuntary resignations/retirements are not. Fiche 5 /FC17 indicates eligible has information in their record concerning punitive action, POW information or medical information (Med board results) Title 10 promo policy objectives: JCS and JSO >=service HQ. OJT >= board average. Title 10 usc Section1731 (b) sets promotion goal for AP officers >=board average.
Board Correspondence (Up to Board convening date) Letter to Board: Addressed to Board President from eligible officer May include anything eligible officer feels should be included in board deliberations. Use discretion!!! Normally used to forward Letters of Recommendation Fitness reports (usually included in Letter to Board) Validated by appropriate NPC authority No third party correspondence Correspondence comes to the board in a number of ways. FITREP’s are faxed based on message traffic which notify eligibles of missing reports. Eligibles may decide to write a letter to the board to explain any information that could be interpreted two ways or to forward information that the eligible thinks should be used in deliberations. A letter to the board is available to the members of the board and is in the tank during voting. The deadline for getting letters to the board is NLT the time the board convenes. It must arrive, not be postmarked by the time the board convenes. It is best to send a letter to the board via a service such as FEDEX or Airborne Express which provides a delivery receipt. A letter of recommendation cannot be introduced into the board unless the eligible has seen it. Therefore many letters to the board list letters of recommendation as their enclosures meeting the requirement to ensure the eligible has seen it. Correspondence received by the board which has not been seen by the eligible is considered third party correspondence and will not be reviewed by the board. Paper documents such as FITREPs are validated prior to being accepted by the board and annotated on the OSR/PSR.
Typical Board Flow Members report Members split into specific boards Review Precept Take Oaths Recorders Admin remarks and briefings Members split into specific boards Members review and grade records in boardrooms Members brief and vote records in tank Review, grade, brief and vote until number of tentative selects equal the number authorized. This slide gives a simplified overview of a typical selection board. Members arrive prior to the convening time of the board and are greeted by the recorders. Members proceed to an assigned boardroom where they review the Precept. At the time the board is convened members report to the tank and are sworn in. They receive an administrative briefing from the recorder and other briefings. At the end of the briefings members return to their assigned boardrooms and start reviewing Above and In zone records. When tank time is available and sufficient records have been reviewed, the records are forwarded to the tank where the member who reviewed the record briefs it while the eligibles OSR/PSR is displayed in the tank and all members assigned to that particular board vote on it. Below zone records do not receive a member review, the OSR/PSR is shown in the tank where members vote without a brief. I will describe this process in more detail in the following slides but it continues until the number of selects = the number authorized.
Competitive Categories (Line) UNRESTRICTED LINE (110X/111X/112X/113X/ 114X/13XX) RESTRICTED LINE Human Resources(120X) Engineering Duty (14XX) Aerospace Engineering (Engineering) (151X) Aerospace Engineering (Maintenance) (152X) Information Professional (160X) Information Warfare (161X) Intelligence (163X) Public Affairs (165X) Foreign Area Officer (17XX) Oceanography(180X) LIMITED DUTY Limited Duty (Line) (6XXX) This slide show the some of the competitive categories that are authorized. This provides for equitable comparison of like qualifications. That is, officers with similar capabilities and duties are compared against each other.
Competitive Categories (Staff) STAFF Medical Corps (210X) Dental Corps (220X) Medical Service Corps (230X) Judge Advocate General Corps (250X) Nurse Corps (290X) Supply Corps (310X) Chaplain Corps (410X) Civil Engineer Corps (510X) LIMITED DUTY Limited Duty (Staff) (65XX) This slide show the some of the competitive categories that are authorized. This provides for equitable comparison of like qualifications. That is, officers with similar capabilities and duties are compared against each other.
BOARD COMPOSITION SECNAVINST 1401.3B Unrestricted Line (Minimum Criteria) 5 Aviators (at least one - 1320) 3 Surface 1 Special Warfare (1130) 1 Special Operation (1140) 3 Submarine 1 Joint Rep 1 Acquisition Professional Minority/Female Reps 1 USNR Officer This slide lists the minimum requirements for membership for the unrestricted line board. Five aviators; at least one must be a NFO if the other four are pilots or vice versa. Four surface officers; one can be either a 1130 or 1140. Three submariners. There must be a minority, female and reserve representative if there are eligibles in those categories. Joint and Acquisition Professional apply to O-4 and above boards when there are Joint and AP eligibles being considered. If minority, joint, female and AP reps are inherent in the estalished membership there is no requirement for additional members. Board Membership is not published prior to a board convening.
BOARD COMPOSITION Restricted Line LDO 3 RL 2 Surface, 2 Submarine, 2 Aviation Joint, AP, Minority, Female, Reserve LDO 4 LDO Joint, AP, Minority, Female You will notice that for the Restricted line boards, there are three members from the restricted line community but the majority of the board is still composed of Unrestricted Line Officers. The LDO Line boards have four LDO’s, one from the 61XX, 62XX, 63XX, and 64XX series of designators. The exception is a 64XX may satisfy the 61XX or 62XX requirement if the officer has expertise in that community.
BOARD COMPOSITION STAFF CORPS: Minority, Female, Reserve (Except LDO) 4 Community Members & 1 URL (minimum) Chaplain Corps Boards 2 Chaplains and 5 URL Flag Boards - majority is from URL Minority, Female, Reserve (Except LDO) Joint, AP (Supply, CEC Only) The composition of staff corps boards is weighted where the majority of members come from the Staff Corps under consideration. There are 4 members from the staff corps under consideration and 1 URL officers. The Chaplain Corps is the exception with 3 community members and 2 URL officers. Minority, female, joint, reserve and AP membership is added as required.
PRECEPT LETTER Membership, Date, and Location Selection Standard Authorized Percentage to Select Show Cause Determination General Procedural Guidance Skills Guidance Equal Opportunity Board Reports Oaths The Precept is a document that is signed by the Secretary of the Navy and is delivered to the board president. It gives guidance on how to conduct the board. A precept is written each time there is a promotion board. The Precept covers routine things like where and when the board will be convened. It also outlines General Procedural Guidance such as the duties of the president, DoD policy on board proceedings, and show cause determination. (Talk about show cause: substandard performance, misconduct, moral or professional dereliction, retention clearly not consistent with interests of national security). The selection standard in the Precept is the best and fully qualified for the needs of the Navy. There is also Skills guidance which addresses the need the Navy has for officers with specific skills. While the skills guidance changes yearly such things as shortages of certain designators, and the need for officers with joint or acquisition experience is addressed. There is also Equal Opportunity guidance which tells board members to consider that minorities may have been asked to do jobs to meet the needs of the Navy that may have not been mainstream Navy jobs . The authorized percentage to select, the need for board reports and required oaths are also part of the precept.
Appendix B Skill Guidance Best and fully qualified to meet the needs of the Navy. Proven excellence in operational environments Performance in command (if applicable) Demonstrated leadership, skill, integrity and resourcefulness Graduate Education / Specialty Training Clinical proficiency/skill and management skills Innovation and Retention Effectiveness
LDO Skill Guidance (EXAMPLE) There are shortages in the number of officers needed to meet Limited Duty Officer (Line) requirements in the categories of Surface Engineering (613X), Submarine Communications (629X), and Aviation Maintenance (633X). The board should give appropriate consideration to officers with these skills when selecting officers best and fully qualified to meet the needs of the Navy. This is an example of skills guidance which may be included in a precept outlining shortages in certain LDO designators and directing the board to consider the shortages when determining who is best and fully qualified to meet the needs of the Navy.
TITLE 10 PROMOTION POLICY OBJECTIVES JCS - Officers who are serving on, or have served on, the Joint Staff are expected, as a group, to be promoted to the next higher grade at a rate not less than the rate of the same competitive category as officers who are serving on, or have served on, the headquarters staff. (JCS > OPNAV) JDA - Officers who are serving in, or have served in, joint duty assignments (including JCS) are expected, as a group, to be promoted to the next higher grade at a rate not less than the rate for all officers of the same competitive category. (OJT > Board Average) ACTIVE DUTY LINE & STAFF BOARDS The precept also gives guidance for consideration of officers with joint experience. The 1986 Goldwater Nichols Act requires the Navy to report on how well the board did at meeting title 10 promotion policy objectives. Those objectives state that officers who are serving on, or have served on, the Joint Staff since their last promotion are expected, as a group, to promote at a rate not less than that for officers on the headquarters staff. Officers in this category are identified on the PSR with a JCS stamp. Officers who are designated as joint specialty officers are expected to promote at a rate not less than the board average, and they are identified with a JSO stamp. Officers who are serving in, or have served in, a joint billet, other than Joint Staff since their last promotion and are not JSOs, are expected to promote at a rate not less than the board average and are identified as Other Joint Tour with the OJT stamp.
TITLE 10 PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS General Rule - An officer on the active-duty list may not be appointed to the grade of rear admiral (lower half) unless the officer has completed a full tour of duty in a joint duty assignment. Joint Stamp = Meets Title 10 (no waiver, currently serving in, waiver or Pre-’87 tour) ACTIVE DUTY LINE & STAFF BOARDS An officer on the active-duty list may not be appointed to the grade of rear admiral (lower half) unless the officer has completed a full tour of duty in a joint duty assignment. Records of eligibles who meet Title 10 Promotion Requirements are identified with a JOINT Stamp.
This is a typical boardroom This is a typical boardroom. This is where recorders will do their prep week scrubs of the records and where members will review records and assign grades during the board. There could be a number of statutory and/or administrative boards ongoing simultaneously in the selection board spaces. There are 20 boardrooms available.
This is a view of the infamous “Tank” This is a view of the infamous “Tank”. There are three tanks in the selection board spaces. The members sit in ready room type chairs. You will notice five screens visible to the members. In most cases the first screen on the far left will have the PSR cover page which provides general background information on an eligible such as name, designator, education, promotion history etc. The grade assigned by the member who reviewed the record is also shown on the far left screen. On the other screens OSR or PSR detail pages are shown which have a line entry summarizing every FITREP an eligible has had in their career. For above and in zone officers, the member who reviewed the eligibles record in the board room starts to brief, members start to vote using their handset, when the last member has voted the votes are tabulated and the number of yes votes and the computed confidence factor is entered into the computer vote file and is simultaneously displayed on the two computer monitors at the front of the room.
This is a view of the tank standing at the screens and looking at the chairs. You will notice the monitor to the computer that runs the tank in the back of the room. There are approximately 40 ready room chairs in each tank. The largest boards usually have around 16 -18 members. The last two rows are where recorders usually sit to view the action.
GRADING / VOTING CRITERIA BRIEFER ASSIGNS GRADE: 100 OR A ABSOLUTELY SELECT 75 OR B PROBABLY SELECT 50 OR C NOT SURE 25 OR D PROBABLY NOT 0 OR NO DO NOT SELECT This is a sample of a grading criteria that may be agreed to by members of the board for grading records. The briefer assigns a grade to each record they review prior to briefing the record in the tank. In this example the briefer can assign letter grades. The other members vote on a record by giving it a confidence level of 0, 25, 50, 75 or 100.
Full Record Review & Brief (AZ/IZ only) Random distribution to ensure impartiality First Review - Random Second Review - by same designator, if first review was not Member reviews all fitreps, etc -- annotates highlights on OSR/PSR for tank Grades record Briefs record in tank
Special Considerations Adverse personal knowledge of an eligible Only admissible if documented in record No third party correspondence Members must brief Letter to the Board and Field Code 17 info in tank Members cannot introduce adverse personal knowledge about an eligible. Members can comment favorably on an officer if they have personal knowledge of that officer. Adverse comments that are not part of the official record are not allowed. Each eligible has the right to review their record prior to selection board deliberations. They also have the right to see any correspondence concerning them that is introduced to the board. This means all correspondence received by the board must be endorsed by the eligible officer.
Vote to Tentatively Select Follows full review and brief of all AZ/IZ records Select top records Drop from further consideration low scoring records “Crunch” what’s left After all above and in zone records have been reviewed, briefed and voted on, decisions can be made. A scatter-gram is projected in the tank which has all confidence factors listed and the number of eligibles that have a particular confidence level. Members refer to the scatter-gram when making motions to tentatively select, remove from consideration or crunch an eligible’s record. Motions are made by a member, seconded by another member and passed if a majority of the members vote yes to approve the motion. Two types of motions are used. The first is a motion to tentatively select officers with a confidence factor of XX and above. If this motion is agreed to by the majority of members then the officers with the required confidence factors are tentatively selected. Officers cannot be removed from the tentative select list unless new information is introduced to the board. The second is a motion to drop from further consideration. If this motion is agreed to by the majority of members then the officers below a specific confidence level are dropped from further consideration. If an officer is dropped from further consideration their record can be resurrected into the crunch by a simple majority of yes votes. All records that are not dropped or tentatively selected go into the “crunch”. In most cases they are sent to the boardroom and are reviewed and graded by another member before going into the tank for the next round of voting.
SCATTERGRAM 100 97 94 93 91 87 83 80 77 74 71 3 2 5 6 8 11 13 16 21 27 I will now show you a scattergram to demonstrate how records are tentatively selected and dropped from further consideration. For this example we will assume that there have been several rounds of voting where eligibles have been selected and dropped from further consideration, there are now 27 records left that were reviewed, briefed, and voted on. There are a total of 12 selects left. Confidence factors are listed in the first and last column, and in this example range from 71 to 100. The second column indicates the number of officers with a specific confidence level. The third column is a running tally of the number of officers. For example there are three officers with a confidence factor of 100 and three officers with a confidence factor of 97. You will notice that there are six officers with a 71, and the third column at 71 indicates there are a total of 27 officers. Next slide: scattergram RFC To select 12
SCATTERGRAM 100 97 94 93 91 87 83 80 77 74 71 3 2 5 6 8 11 13 16 21 27 Brief the slide Mr President, I motion that we tentatively drop from further consideration those officers with a confidence factor of 80 and below. The motion passes and 11 officers are removed. Remove From Further Consideration: Removed: 11 Remaining: 16 “Removed from further consideration” DFC To select 12
SCATTERGRAM 100 97 94 93 91 87 83 80 77 74 71 3 2 5 6 8 11 13 16 21 27 TS Brief the slide Mr president, I motion that we tentatively select thiose officers with a confidence factor of 94 and above. Motion passes and 8 officers are selected for the 12 remaining slots. TS Select: 8 Remaining: 8 So…Crunching 8 more to select 4 “Tentatively Select” Next slide: scattergram crunch DFC To select 12
SCATTERGRAM 100 97 94 93 91 87 83 80 77 74 71 3 2 5 6 8 11 13 16 21 27 TS Crunch 8 to select 4 Brief the slide There are now 8 officers in the crunch for 4 remaining slots. Subsequent reviews are conducted in the board room or the members may decide to scroll the records in the tank. Next slide:board approval process DFC
Vote to Brief (Below Zone Records) OSR / PSR projected without any briefer annotations, as the NPC Official Record is recorded!!!! - No scrub by Recorders until after making it into the crunch! Usually the first Vote is 100 (Yes) or 0 (No) Scattergram is cut and members vote which records are strong enough to join the CRUNCH of In and Above zone records. BZ eligibles not selected do not incur a failure of selection Below Zone records are handled different. A recorder does not screen the record for completeness. A member does not review the record so therefore no annotations or grades are on the OSR/PSR detail pages. The OSR/PSR pages are displayed on the screen and members vote 100 if they feel the record merits a full member review, or 0 if they don’t feel it should be reviewed any further. After all BZ records are voted in the tank, the members decide how many 100 votes are needed for a BZ record to get a full review. The BZ records that do not have enough votes get dropped from any further consideration. The records that have sufficient yes votes are sent to the boardroom for a member review and they are added to the “crunch” records. Remember that according to Navy policy no more than 10% of the total picks come from below the promotion zone.
CALLOUT Usually conducted by the President and Head Recorder Brief Chain of Command on board results Conducted following adjournment SECNAV, CNO, VCNO, CNP Involvement Callouts are conducted after a board is adjourned. The callout is a quick look or hotwash of the board and is a way to let the chain of command know about the board prior to the formal nomination packages being routed. The board statistics books are presented at Callout. The President provides the callout to the chain of command and is sometimes accompanied by the head recorder. The callout is done in person or via phone depending on who is being briefed and the grade of the promotion board. For example a callout is conducted with CNP, CNO , and SECNAV in person for all boards O-6 and above.
Nomination Process - 10 USC 624 requires Senate confirmation for all promotions (appointments) for Lieutenant Commander and above. (Commander & above for USNR) - LCDR and above board reports are routed from CNP to SECNAV via VCNO/CNO and JAG. From SECNAV, reports go to Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, for review of board selection statistics to ensure acceptable levels of consideration of officers who have served or are currently serving in joint duty. JCS review is not required for USNR promotion selection boards. - After JCS review, the board report is returned to SECNAV for forwarding to SECDEF for approval. SECDEF approves the board and forwards the list of selectees (nomination/scrolls) to the White House. The White House forwards the nomination to the SASC. As a legal point, it is at this stage that the selection list is now termed a promotion list. The SASC reviews nomination. SASC staffers may raise questions about individual names based on data received from various sources. The SASC delivers nomination to the Senate recommending confirmation. This process normally takes 4 months from SECNAV board callout to Senate confirmation. SECNAV’s goal is to have the selection message released within 100 days.
When will I get promoted? Fiscal year starting monthly in October Estimates published on website Not official until name on monthly NAVADMIN (DOPMA/Recalls etc) O-4 through O-6 5% of list monthly for first 8 months 15% of list monthly for last 4 months O-3 - First of month two years after LTJG CWO-3/4 - First of month four years after 2 or 3
Help, I’m in zone! What do I do now? Order your record on CD and view OSR/PSR online at: Log onto bupers online to view record Check everything in your record -- if not there, send to the board.
Maintaining Your Record Check: Regular FITREP Continuity Awards Education Information Service Schools Special Qualifications (AQDs) This slide shows some of the things that you should look for when you order your OSR/PSR. Remember that most updates to your permanent record are sent to PERS 31. If the updates are sent to PERS 31, corrections are made and you see them on a subsequent copy of OSR/PSR and microfiche prior to your selection board convening then no further action is required on your part. If you are not positive that the updates have been made then you should also write a letter to the board and provide the documents as enclosures stating that you are updating your record. The procedures to do this are on the web site. All letters to the board should be addressed to the appropriate board president and sent to the NPC customer service center.
Letters to the Board From the officer to the Board President Not needed if your record is ready Don’t send volumes -- keep pertinent Don’t send anything you don’t want the board to discuss! If you provide it, they can talk about it...
Promotion Observations Performance in competitive jobs is the number ONE indicator of success - past and future Hard jobs are better Filling in blocks of OSR is very good: Additional quals Masters/Advanced Degrees Subspecialties AVOID NOT OBSERVED FITREPS FOR LONG PERIODS AT WRONG TIME Performance by far is the number one factor that is used by promotion boards in determining who to select for promotion. As you learned earlier the precept outlines certain specific needs the Navy has from year to year but the motto “Best and Fully qualified for the needs of the Navy” still applies. Board members have experience in the Navy and they have faced the choices and decisions many of you have had to make in your career. They know what the hard jobs are. While performance is still the number one indicator you can certainly enhance your competitiveness by getting additional quals, subspecialties, and pursuing advanced degrees. Do what you are suppose to do when you are supposed to do it. For example a tour at PG school may be good for you personally but if your contemporaries are conquering career milestones like being a Department Head or XO, it may be best to do the PG school tour at a time which is more compatible. Another thing to consider is that it is important to screen for Dept Head, XO, and CO to have the best opportunity for promotion so in many ways Admin screen boards held by the community analyze officers records to determine who gets the opportunity to take the most competitive jobs. Always taking and excelling in the recognized hard jobs is the best way to ensure your competitiveness for promotion.
Fitrep Observations Write your FITREP for a board member Include career milestones Rank in peer group Awards Don’t use job specific language/acronyms Warfare Qualifications Future billet / promotion recommendations Don’t send mixed signals! It is important to write your FITREP in a way to ensure board members understand your performance. Identify the career milestones and qualifications you have completed, identify the impact you have made on mission accomplishment and how you have changed the command for the better. Identify the number of people you led and the amount of resources you managed. This is no time to be humble. Get recommendations documented in your FITREP’s to achieve the next career milestones. If your reporting senior thinks that you have command potential and flag potential make sure the FITREP says so as early as possible in your career. If you are departing from a command and there is an EP to get , ensure you get it if your performance warrants it. A reporting senior who only gives MP’s to people leaving their command must say so in the report. Otherwise the board doesn’t know if you only deserved a MP. Your performance may have been at the EP level but your CO only gives MP’s to those who are detaching. Never leave a doubt in a board members mind.
Written Comments (Block 41) A recent Reporting Senior wrote: “Read this carefully…the rules force me to make him only a Must Promote. He is an Early Promote! He is rated against another O-X who I anticipate will be promoted. Joe’s turn is next. Joe would truly be number one in any other setting.” These comments explain that there was a razor thin difference between number one and two. The CO made the call and it may have been based on seniority alone. These comments are available to the board member who reviews and grades the record.
Written Comments (Block 41) Opening: “Ranked 1 of 10 hand picked active duty officers.” Closing: “He has my strongest endorsement and recommendation for aviation and major command. In addition, he has earned my strongest possible recommendation for accelerated promotion to captain now.” Here is another example of FITREP verbiage where the reporting senior leaves no doubt about where this person falls out and what future positions they recommend.
FITREP Discussion REPORTING SENIOR CUM Combines all reports within pay grade Active, Reserve, Line, Staff FITREP Point of Contact PERS-311 (901) 874-3317 Another aspect regarding FITREP’s is the reporting senior’s cumulative average. The reporting senior cumulative average is computed based on all reports written on a particular paygrade without regard to whether the member was active, reserve, line or staff. The reporting senior cum is displayed on the PSR detail page as you will see in the next slide.
Recommendation for Promotion QUIZ?!?! Speaking of doubt in board members mind: Which officer is number one? Is either officer number one? Is either officer working at the EP level or does neither have the capability to be an EP? Can these questions be answered by the top example with two MP’s? If these officers were equal in every regard I contend that the bottom FITREP is still better and verbiage on the back can explain the difference. As CO’s make the call and write reasons on the back. Board members have been in this situation and they understand the limitations of only having one EP when there are two or more superstars. The comments on the next slide leave no doubt in the members mind about what happened to the MP
Failure of Selection MILPERSMAN 1420-050 Above and In Zone officers only Formal FOS Counseling is provided by your detailer when requested. Board members and recorders are not allowed to discuss deliberations Applies to CWO3 - O6 Boards only If you are not selected for promotion you should consult your detailer to obtain FOS counseling. MILPERSMAN 1420-050 applies. The detailer should review your record and indicate factors that may account for why the FOS’d officers record may have not been as competitive as some that were selected. It may be hard for the detailers to identify areas of weakness because the promotion system requires the selection of the best qualified from a group of general Outstanding officers. Below zone Officers do not incur a failure of selection. FOS’d officers may want to get letters from past reporting seniors to clarify reports or get letters of recommendation from senior officers wishing to encourage the eligibles selection. The proceedings of selection boards are confidential and records of deliberations are not maintained. Once you are an O-6 in the Navy you cannot fail with regard to promotions. O-6 and O-7’s are considered for promotion to the next higher rank. Some are selected and the others are not selected. Promotions to O-9 and O-10 are nominated for confirmation by the senate by the President and are not selected through the statutory promotion board process..
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Selection Board/Active Officer/(Paygrade) Selection Board/Active Officer/(Paygrade) Eligibles Listing by Zone Precept Membership Release Process (Updated only when changed) Select Message Community Overview Statistics Promotion/ Pay Increment Plan Link to electronic OSR/PSR