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Presentation transcript:


What Does Registry Data Tell Us?

Which Questions Should I Ask When Looking at Registry Data?

CV, Bleeding, and Mortality Risks in Elderly Medicare Patients Treated With Dabigatran or Warfarin for NVAF

CV, Bleeding, and Mortality Risks in Elderly Medicare Patients Treated With Dabigatran or Warfarin for NVAF- (cont)

2016 ESC Guidelines: Stroke Prevention in AF

NOAC Use In Patients With Valvular Abnormalities

RCTs and Real-World Data: How Do They Differ?

Danish Registry: A Nationwide Cohort

Societal Registries: EORP-AF

GLORIA™-AF: Prospective Study With Dabigatran Use -- 2-Year Follow Up

GLORIA™-AF: Prospective Study With Dabigatran Use -- 2-Year Follow Up (cont)

Methodology Matters: Registry Trial Designs

Claims-Based Data: Strengths and Weaknesses

Dabigatran Use in AF in Real-World Practice: Consistency of Findings

ORBIT-AF II: Underdosing of NOACs in AF

Danish Study: Nationwide Cohort Study Comparing Effectiveness and Safety of Non-VKAs and NOACs in AF -- Bleeding and Mortality

Danish Study: Nationwide Cohort Study Comparing Effectiveness and Safety of Non-VKAs and NOACs in AF -- Composite Endpoint

Efficacy and Safety of NOACs: Meta-Analysis of RCTs

ENGAGE AF: Increased Stroke Risk With Lower Dose

2016 ESC Guidelines: Recommendations for Stroke Prevention in Patients With AF

2016 ESC Guidelines for AF: Additional Recommendations

Loire Valley AF Project: Negative Impact of Aspirin

2014 AHA/ACC/HRS Guidelines for Treatment of AF

ORBIT-AF II: Concomitant Aspirin Use

2016 ESC Guidelines for AF: Initiation or Resumption of Anticoagulation in AF Patients After an Intracranial Bleed

NOAC Use for AF in the Asian Population

How Do We Address Underdosing?



Abbreviations (cont)

Abbreviations (cont)