Brazil and Its Population I have created a video showing how the population pyramid has changed over the years. By: Emily Jacobs
Population Pyramids The two slides slowed down were 2010 and 2012 as you could see they are currently in the rectangle shape. They moved from a very thin triangle to a retangular shape. This is because the population is increasing.
2010 and 2012 Heres the population pyramid in 2010 and 2012 in a closer view. As you can see there are the same amount of children being born but more of each age after 4. Also the amount of elderly or the age over 69 has stayed the same, this means the health care has not changes as some people are dying at an early age. It is easier to see in the movie but the ages 30-44 have increased.
Population 1550 – 15,000 1600 – 100,000 1660 – 184,000 1700 – 300,000 1766 – 1,500,000 1800 – 3,250,000 1820 – 4,717,000 1850 – 7,256,000 1872 – 9,930,478 1890 – 14,333,915 1900 – 17,438,434 1920 – 30,635,605 1940 – 41,236,315 1950 – 51,944,397 1960 – 70,119,071 1970 – 93,139,037 1980 – 119,070,865 1991 – 146,917,459 1996 – 157,079,573 2000 – 169,544,443 2007 – 183,886,761 2010 – 192,755,799 2020 – 223,082,700 2030 – 265,386,860 2040 – 309,987,420 2050 – 335,550,100 2060 – 378,892,800 2070 – 405,090,930 This is a graph of how the population has increased over the years. As the graph and the data shows the population has increased rapidly in the last 200 years. This is one of brazils current issues The image on the left shows brazils population density in each state and the image on the right shows brazils population in each state.
Demographic Transition Stage 4 Low Birth Rate Low Death Rate Rectangular shape Brazil is currently in a stage four of its demographic transition. THis means there is a low birth rate along with a low death rate. Usually the population pyramid for stage four is a rectangular shape which is what the population pyramid of brazil in 2010 and 2012 is.
Birth rate (births/1000 population) Currently the birth rate is 17.79 births per 1000 people. This graph shows how the birth rate has changed over the years. From 200 to 2007 there was a big decrease this may be due to the over population so families are chosing not to have children. Also children are expensive we cos money for school food, house, clothes and many more and if families do not have a lot of children the less money they are having to spend. however from 2007 to 2008 there was a huge increase. This may be due to better sanitation or better health care. With better health care women are not as scared to have children as there is a lower risk of death. In 2008 the birth rate started to decrease again. 17.79 births/1000 population
Death rate (deaths/1000 population) As you can see the death rate in brazil dramatically decreased in 2002 and since then it has stayed around the same number of deaths. The large decrease may be due to health care improving as less people are dying from diseases as well as the living and environment conditions may have improved causing less death. 6.36 deaths/1000 population
Dependency Child Dependency: 0.38 Aged Dependency: 0.09 Total Dependency: 0.47
Current News Education Non-attendance Malnutrition Rapid Urbanization Rio De Janeiro and its housing School non-attendance by absence and malnutrition is one of the biggest educational problems in Brazil. Work under the age of 16 is forbidden by law, however Brazil has many cases of child labor. Children from large poor families start working from the age of 10 in order to help their parents, despite the law of compulsory education between the ages of 10 and 14. Other reasons for school non-attendance are the lack of sufficient school places and the high examination failure rate. Malnutrition also materially affects the intellectual development of children, giving them little chance of adapting to an educational environment. Another issue in brazil is the rapid urbanization and population growth. This was shown in the graph on previous slides. With a population of 12.7 million people, Rio de Janeiro is the second largest city in Brazil.[14] With a combination of push and pull factors, urban migration to Rio account for over 65% of population growth. This has led to a serious shortage of proper housing. This issue relates to the population pyramid video I created. As shown the pyramid went from a very thin triangle to a rectangle shape. This means the population increased. This increase in population is what is causing the housing issue in Brazil.
What should we spend on? Child Allowance Heath Care Increase in job opportunities The government in Brazil should offer families with children money each month. This would allow families to take their children out of child labor and put them into school. This would solve the issue of absence of students. Brazil needs to have better heath care. If each person is gaurented health care then the population of elderly would raise, lowering the fertility rate( average number of children born per woman). This would help with the rapid population growth and not enough housing as it would decrease the population. By allowing younger people to earn money and have opportunities for jobs this will create an income for the family which means the child labor percentage can decrease as the families are earning more money.
Overall.... Brazil’s populatoin Overall brazil’s population very high and needs to take a turn. If this does not happen and the population continues to increase brazils housing issue will be even worse than it already is.
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