Vision and goal execution as a leader Jamie Martin June 21, 2017
THE ISSUE AND YOUR PASSION What breaks your heart? What do you feel needs to change? What are your passions? What is THE ISSUE for you? THE ISSUE AND YOUR PASSION
Brainstorming and vision If you could imagine your vision or goal executed in an ideal world with unlimited money and resources, what would it look like? With the money and resources you have, what do you think a realistic end result or goal would or could look like? Brainstorming and vision
The goal Specific (simple, sensible, significant) Measurable (meaningful, motivating) Achievable (agreed, attainable) Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based) Time bound (time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time- sensitive). The goal MindTools
Things to consider along the way How is it informed by values and beliefs Values come from your personal background Beliefs are things you believe to be true Personal experiences Be prepared to evolve as information is gathered and things change Things to consider along the way
The background Record the history Collect additional information on the issue or data Do your research Describe the issue as it actually exists The background
execution What is going to be done? Who is going to do it? Find your team and allocate responsibilities How is it going to get done? Create a detailed plan of action and timeline What tools, resources, and support do you need? Who are your audiences and how can you build a community/following? Create buy-in from desired parties execution
What message do you want to send and how can you create buy-in? Facts and emotional connection How are you going to get your info out/ Generate publicity? New or already in use communications or mediums What obstacles can you anticipate and find solutions for before they happen? Execution cont.
What needs to happen and when? timeline
Moore, E. H. , Bagin D. & Gallagher, D. R. (2016) Moore, E. H., Bagin D. & Gallagher, D.R. (2016). The school and community relations. New York, NY: Pearson. Safko, Lon. (2010). Tactics, Tools & Strategies- Five Steps to implementation. Fast Company. Retrieved from: steps-to-implementation MindTools. (n.d.). SMART Goals: How to make your goals achievable. Retrieved from goals.htm references