UNCONFERENCE Welcome to the 2012 PLA Equipment needs: computer, PPT, projector, screen, mic, name tags, markers, PC speakers, music (Play inspiring music as people come into the room) -Welcome How many of you have been to an “unconference” before – or an open space conference? All are different, but they have one thing in common: they are participant-driven History behind the unconference: The founder of the Open Space method found that whenever he attended traditional conferences, the coffee breaks were the most useful time he spent. He realized this was because they were talking about the things that were most important / most relevant to them. Goal is to ensure that we spend time discussing the issues that are most relevant and important to YOU. Just as you would in a conversation with colleagues over coffee. You “own” the agenda and you are in charge of what happens here today, I am merely the facilitator of that process. – I’m really looking forward to seeing what is created here today!
Organize the conference schedule Attend sessions & report back BUILDING OUR AGENDA Propose a session Describe sessions Prioritize sessions Organize the conference schedule Attend sessions & report back - So, what’s going to happen today. Thankfully, there’s a tiny bit of structure to help us out with all that wide open space. - There is a blank grid here (Briefly describe the grid – session times down the left, locations across the top) - When it is time to build the agenda, I’ll ask everyone who wants to lead a session to come forward and get one of these self-sticking pads and a marker - Write a short, descriptive title for your session. Try to write clearly so that it can be read easily. - After you have written your session title, come up to the agenda board to post the session on the board. - Once we are finished proposing sessions, I will read off the session titles and ask session leads to stand and share a short (30 second) description of their session. Someone will keep us all on time with the noise maker! - Once all sessions have been described, we will review the agenda together and finalize it. - If we find that some people have proposed similar sessions, they are free to merge their sessions together. However this is not required. - Then, we’ll take some time to prioritize the sessions. You have three votes. Select the sessions you want to attend. Based on interest, we’ll build the unconference agenda together. We ask that session leaders each provide a single piece of documentation of the outcomes of their session; whatever you want to do; post it online with the hash tag #pla2012
1 2 3 4 5 6 OPENING SESSION Session I Break Session II CLOSING SESSION
Come to the session board to Visit with others UNCONFERENCE WATER COOLER Come to the session board to Visit with others Share what you’re learning Take a break The agenda board is the “water cooler” of our unconference, where you can hang out during the break or while everyone else is in session Come back between sessions or if their session ends early
A session can be as simple as A question you want to pose LEADING A SESSION A session can be as simple as A question you want to pose A project you would like help with Information you’d like to share A conversation among peers Maybe you have an idea for a session, but you’re not sure whether you’re ready to lead a session. I know many of you already have ideas, because I have already heard them while I’ve been here at the conference! Leading a session is very simple and does not require any special presentation skills.
Whoever comes are the right people FOUR PRINCIPLES OF THE UNCONFERENCE Whoever comes are the right people Whatever happens is the only thing that could have When it starts is the right time When it’s over, it is over Whether your session has 10 or 2 people, those are the right people – because they are the ones who were interested and in learning and contributing to your topic! We suggest that you start your session by going around the room and asking everyone to share why they are there. You may be surprised by what you learn! These sessions are valuable because they are not over-planned. They resemble conversations more than presentations. Enjoy the outcome! We are cheating a little bit on this one, because we have a pretty tight schedule – so we hope these will actually start as scheduled on the agenda board. If your session feels complete after 10 minutes, please don’t feel the need to fill the time. Join another session, or come on out to the agenda board and talk to other folks about what they’ve been learning!
THE LAW OF TWO FEET If you are neither learning nor contributing it is your responsibility to respectfully use your “two feet” to find someplace where you are learning or contributing.
No official note takers – appoint one in your session, if you choose SUGGESTION No official note takers – appoint one in your session, if you choose Document your session with a digital file of any kind Tag or follow with #PLA2012
Any questions before we begin to build the agenda?
(2) Describe your session (3) Pick your sessions READY, SET, GO! (1) Propose a session Write name of session Include name of session leader Place session on the board (2) Describe your session (3) Pick your sessions (4) Finalize agenda together Start writing session ideas (5 minutes) - when energy peaks, I’ll start to say “we’re going to wrap this up in about 1 more minute…” Share session ideas (10 minutes): KEEP THE MOMENTUM 30 seconds only, think about your speech, tell key points of your session. If someone else has proposed a similar session, or you’re not sure, say what you think makes your session unique someone will walk around with mic to have people talk about sessions Anyone want to pull out or have a suggestion for combining sessions? (2 minutes) Pick your sessions (5 minutes) Finalize agenda together (15 minutes)
Divide and conquer / Find a partner HOW TO CHOOSE A SESSION Divide and conquer / Find a partner Invite the session leader to coffee Check the tweet stream for results Have fun! With so many great session topics, it can be hard to decide which one to attend. Here are a few tips.
Go to the space for your session SESSION LEADS: HOW TO START Go to the space for your session Write the name of your session on the chart at the table Go around the room and ask people to share why they chose this session Have fun!
UNCONFERENCE! Play inspiring music