Know the basics of purchasing
Why Can’t We Just Buy It? State law requires that public entities: have specific legal authority to make the purchase meet the requirements of specialized purchasing statutes engage in competitive bidding meet certain budget and finance restrictions
What are the Laws that I Need to Know? There are entity specific statutes that provide basic purchasing requirements: Cities: Local Government Code (LGC), Chapter 252 Counties: LGC, Chapter 262 School Districts: Education Code, Chapter 44 Higher Education: Education Code, Chapter 51 State Agencies: Government Code, Chapters 2155-2158 Special Districts: District enabling statutes
Is That All There Is? A number of other statutes also govern governmental purchasing. Some of these are included in the following sections of Texas law: Local Government Code (LGC) Government Code (GC) Education Code (EdC) Code of Criminal Procedures Health and Safety Code Human Resources Code
Is That All There Is? You will also want to be familiar with the following laws: LGC, Chapter 271—Purchasing and Contracting by Municipalities, Counties and Certain Other Local Governments GC, Chapter 791—Interlocal Cooperation Act GC, Chapter 2258—Prevailing Wage Rates LGC, Chapter 140—Financial Provisions Affecting Local Governments
Is That All There Is? LGC, Chapter 171-- Regulation of Conflicts of Interest Code of Criminal Procedures, Art. 18.17-- Disposition of Abandoned or Unclaimed Property Code of Criminal Procedures, Art. 59.06—Disposition of Forfeited Property Human Resources Code, Chapter 122—Council on Purchasing from People with Disabilities GC, Chapter 2251—Prompt Payment Act GC, Chapter 2269—Construction Procurement
Is That All There Is? GC 2252, Subch. A—Nonresident Bidders GC 2252, Subch. B—Interest on Retained Public Works Contract Payments GC 2253—Public Work Performance and Payment Bonds GC 2254—Subch. A—Professional and Consulting Services Worker’s Compensation Agency, Rule 110.110—Requirements for Worker’s Compensation Coverage
How do I Find the New Legislation that Everyone is Talking About? If you have a bill number, you may do a bill search at Recent legislation that impacts our member entities is summarized at the Government Procurement Services website: news/events Scroll to Legislative Watch
What Are the Ways that I May Legally Make Purchases? For purchases under $50,000 (under the legal bid limit) your specific law has provisions that guide you in the methods to use. Your entity may develop entity specific purchasing policies and procedures that are used for these purchases in compliance with your laws. The policies and procedures generally should be approved by your governing body
What Are the Ways that I May Legally Make Purchases? Following the specific law under which you make purchases, for bids exceeding the legal bid limit ($50,000), you may use the following methods: Sealed Bids Sealed Proposals (RFP, CSP) Awarded Cooperative Contracts that were bid following state law Various construction methods allowed under GC 2269 $25,000 for state agencies
What Must I Consider when Using Bid or Proposal Methods? Which method is best for the type purchase you are making Keeping a level playing field for vendors—each provided the same information Specifications should not have bias toward any vendor Specifications govern what is desired and what may be considered in making award of contract HUB requirements
What Must I Consider when Using Bid or Proposal Methods? Consider payment or performance bond and insurance requirements Advertise according to your statute Open the sealed bids or proposals (paper and electronic) according to law Protect information contained in the submittals according to law Submit bids or proposals to the governing body for award according to law and local policy and procedures
Additional Considerations Requests for exemptions from bidding Requests for a vendor to be considered a sole source Protect your department from protests and violations of the laws Determine how to work best with your user departments, governing body, vendors and the public
Where Else May I Find Help? TxPPA offers a memberconnect where you may ask questions. All members are eligible to use the listserve. No question is a bad question. The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts offers a Model Purchasing Manual for Texas Cities and Counties _Purchasing_Manual_11_10.pdf Texas Education Agency Resource Guide
THANK YOU! Narita Holmes, MBA, C.P.A., CIA 432-349-0116 Carol Cooper, C.P.M., CPPO, CPSM 214-202-5903