E-government Working Group E-government in Spain Actual policy / main targets AER (Administración En Red) New strategic Plan for Public Administration Modernization Most important building blocks/implementation strategy Five action lines Electronic data interchange, replacing administrative certificates in paper Electronic National Document of Identity (DNI) Creation of ‘centers of service to the citizen’ The administrative simplification, redesign and integration of procedures The tecnological reestructuration of the Ministry for Public Administration Main achievements Starting point High quality (and very used) specific systems from some Agencies 13/14 September E-government Working Group
E-government Working Group E-government in Spain Most beneficial e-government service / main benefits Tax Agency electronic services for citizens and business E-services from Social Security system Main challenges for the future A holistic, strategic and armonized vision of eGovernment e-Cooperation an Coordination with Departments, Autonomous Communities and Local Councils 13/14 September E-government Working Group