Body Planes and Directional Terms By Dr. Z
All right class…first things first! cephalic Pos Anterio caudal
Review your body planes & directional terms! posterior lateral Review your body planes & directional terms! coronal medial
Median (Midsagittal) Plane Divides body into equal right and left halves.
Frontal (Coronal) Plane Divides body into front and back portions.
Divides body into upper and lower portions. Transverse Plane Divides body into upper and lower portions.
Moving towards the midline of the body Medial Moving towards the midline of the body
Moving towards the side of the body Lateral Moving towards the side of the body
Anterior (Ventral) Front part of body anterior
Posterior (Dorsal) posterior Back part of the body
Superior Inferior (cephalic) (caudal) Towards the feet Towards the head Inferior (caudal)
And you thought anatomy would be boring!