Annual Performance Plan 2018/19 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan 2018/19 Select Committee 22 May 2018
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. The Department of Labour (DoL) Programmes and Entities The DoL focus in the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF): 2015 – 20 Strategic Plan 2015 - 20 Annual Performance Plan (APP) for the Financial Year 2018/19 5. Supported Employment Enterprise (SEE)
DOL PROGRAMMES AND ENTITIES Administration: Ministry; Deputy Minister, Director General’s Office; Corporate Services (CS), Chief Operations Officer (COO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO) 2. Inspection and Enforcement Services (IES) 3. Public Employment Services (PES) 4. Labour Market Policy & Industrial Relations (LP&IR) 5. Unemployment Insurance Fund (Schedule 3A Public Entity): UIF 6. Compensation Fund (Schedule 3A Public Entity): CF
DOL PROGRAMMES AND ENTITIES- CONTINUES Entities established in terms of various legislations and cabinet decisions to assist DOL in meeting its mandate include: Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC) Productivity South Africa (PSA) Supported Employment Enterprises (SEE)
DOL AND MTSF OUTCOMES: 2015 – 20 In the Medium-term, the Department of Labour will contribute mainly to the following Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) Outcomes: Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Outcome 5: A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path Outcome 11: Create a better South Africa, a better Africa and a better World Outcome 12: An efficient, effective and development oriented public service; and Outcome 13: An inclusive and responsive social protection system Outcome 14: Transforming society and uniting the country
GOVERNMENT SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOMES AND DoL STRATEGIC GOALS STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTATED GOAL DoL GOAL STATEMENT IMPLEMENTING BRANCH Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth 1. Promote Occupational health services 2. Contribute to decent employment creation 3. Protect vulnerable workers 5. Strengthen occupational safety protection 6. Promote sound labour relations 7. Monitor the impact of legislation 9. Development of the Occupational Health and Safety policies IES LP&IR PES Outcome 5: A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path
GOVERNMENT SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOMES AND DoL STRATEGIC GOALS (CONT.) STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTATED GOAL DoL GOAL STATEMENT IMPLEMENTING BRANCH Outcome 11: Create a better South Africa, a better Africa and a better World 4. Strengthen multilateral and bilateral relations LP&IR Outcome 12: An efficient, effective and development oriented public service 8. Strengthen the institutional capacity of the Department Administration Outcome 13: An inclusive and responsive social protection system Strengthening social security UIF CF Outcome 14: Transforming Society and uniting the Nation 10. Promote Equity in the labour market IES
DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR SERVICE DELIVERY FOOT PRINT Limpopo - HQ and 2 Funds in Pretoria 9 DoL Provincial Offices 126 Labour Centre's Mpumalanga Gauteng North West KwaZulu Natal Free State Northern Cape Eastern Cape Western Cape 2 well equipped PES Busses - Provide services in 72 out of 139 Thusong Centre's
DoL STRATEGIC PLAN: 2015 - 20 9
STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE FINANCIAL YEARS 2015-2020 Programmes of the Department of Labour: PROGRAMME 1: Administration PROGRAMME 2: Inspections and Enforcement Services PROGRAMME 3: Public Employment Services PROGRAMME 4: Labour Policy and Industrial Relations
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION FOCUS AREA: MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (M-PAT) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1 PROVIDE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND SUPPORT SERVICES TO THE DEPARTMENT Objective statement Leverage M-PAT to improve the management practice of the Department thus improving strategic management and support to the Department Baseline 32% of total Department’s M-PAT standards per KPI are at level 3 and level 4 as at 31 March 2017 Justification The Management Assessment Tool (M-PAT) is a tool that collates existing management policy and guidelines into a single framework of standards and indicators of good management practice; M-PAT provides a snapshot of the quality of management practices in departments and municipalities across a range of key performance areas; Strategic Management, Governance and Accountability, Human Resources Management, Financial Management and Supply Chain Management It enables managers to test their own management practices against others and identify management practice improvements that will enable to improve service delivery; and M-PAT is linked to other monitoring tools; like the Auditor General Links Outcome 12, National Treasury, Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) and Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) Regulations and Public Service Act and Public Finance Management Act Five Year Target MTSF DPME five year target for M-PAT by 2020 is that 80% of all government departments must be at 50% compliance (50% level 3 and 4 M-PAT standards): Department’s target is 50% which is in line with the envisaged national average
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION FOCUS AREA: DoL COMMUNICATION STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2 DEPARTMENTAL INTERVENTIONS AND INITIATIVES COMMUNICATED Objective statement To disseminate and improve access to information about the Department (Departmental Communication Strategy implemented by end of March 2021) Baseline Communication strategy 2016-2021 reviewed with the PCO’s and entities Justification Communication coordinates the dissemination of information about the Department’s programmes, policies and legislation Links Outcome 12 Public Access to Information (PAIA). The various communication platforms that are used ensure that members of the public have access to information about the Department
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION FOCUS AREA: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3 EFFECTIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND GOVERNANCE Objective statement Compilation and submission of the Interim and Annual Financial Statements to National Treasury (NT) and Auditor-General as well as the publication of the AFS in the Annual Report. Baseline 2016/17 Annual report with AFS submitted to the National Treasury by 31 May 2017 3 IFS reports were submitted to the National Treasury on due dates as determined by National Treasury in 2016/17 Justification Ensure effective accountability, transparency and adherence to governance best practices. Link Outcome 12, PFMA Five Year Target 3 Interim Financial Statements (IFS) and 1 Annual Financial Statement (AFS) per annum
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION FOCUS AREA: SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Objective statement Enhance supply chain management processes and systems to be in line with the regulatory framework and governance best practices Baseline In 2016/17: Irregular expenditure – R257 657.79 detected and reported Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure – R129 091.84 detected and reported Unauthorised expenditure – None detected and reported Justification Ensure effective accountability, transparency and adherence to governance best practices. Link Outcome 12 Five Year Target 100% of detected cases of irregular, fruitless and wasteful and unauthorised expenditure reported
PROGRAMME 2: INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT SERVICES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1 WORKERS PROTECTED THROUGH INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT OF EMPLOYMENT LAW Objective statement Ensure Decent Work principles are adhered to by protecting workers through the inspection and enforcement of employment law Baseline 186 456 Inspections were performed in 2016/17 100% (29 612 of 29 612) of non-compliant employers issued with notices 80% (703 of 878) incidents were investigated and finalised within prescribed time frames Justification To give effect to the right of fair labour practices by the regulation of employment law Links Outcome 4 (sub outcome 7) National Development Plan: Labour –market regulation (Chapter 3) Five Year Target 30% Increase in number of inspections
PROGRAMME 3: PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (PES) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1 WORK SEEKERS REGISTERED Objective statement Register work-seekers on Employment System of South Africa (ESSA) Baseline 666 719 work seekers registered on ESSA in 2016/17 Justification To enable work-seekers to access employment opportunities Links Outcome 4 & 5 – Contributing to decent employment creation – and the National Development Plan (Chapter 3) Five Year Target Work-seekers registered on ESSA for opportunities
PROGRAMME 3: PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (PES) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2 WORK AND LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES REGISTERED Objective statement Registration of opportunities on ESSA Baseline 74 510 work and learning opportunities registered on ESSA in 2016/17 Justification Facilitate the placement of registered work seekers into work and learning opportunities. Links Outcome 4 - Contributing to decent employment creation and the National Development Plan (Chapter 3) Five Year Target Work and learning opportunities registered on ESSA
PROGRAMME 3: PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (PES) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3 EMPLOYMENT COUNSELLING PROVIDED Objective statement Provide employment counselling to work-seekers Baseline 197 247 work-seekers were provided with employment counselling in 2016/17 Justification Enhance the employability of registered work-seekers Links Outcome 4 & 5 – (Contributing to decent employment creation) and the National Development Plan (Chapter 3) Five Year Target Work seekers provided with employment counselling
PROGRAMME 3: PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (PES) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4. WORK SEEKERS PLACED IN WORK AND LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES Objective statement Place work-seekers into work and learning opportunities Baseline 12 517 work-seekers were placed into work and learning opportunities in 2016/17 Justification Contribute to the reduction of unemployment and poverty Links Outcome 4 and 5 - Contributing to decent employment creation and the National Development Plan (Chapter 3) Five Year Target Work-seekers placed in work and learning opportunities
PROGRAMME 4: LABOUR POLICY AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (LP&IR) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1 EMPLOYMENT EQUITY IN THE LABOUR MARKET ENSURED AND ENFORCEMENT IMPROVED Objective statement Establish legislative framework to promote employment equity Baseline 13 workshops on amended Code of Good Practice on Employment of Persons with Disabilities conducted by 30 September 2016 Amended Code of Good Practice on preparation and implementation of EE Plans developed by 31 March 2017 2015-2016 Employment Equity Report and Public Register published and launched by 25 April 2016 2016-2017 Annual Employment Equity Report and Public Register developed by 31 March 2017 Justification Promotion of equality through the establishment of equitable representative workplaces free from unfair discrimination to contribute to decent employment and inclusive economic growth Links Outcome 14 (sub outcome 2): Transforming society and uniting the country Five Year Target At least 40% of middle and senior management are African by 2019/2020
PROGRAMME 4: LABOUR POLICY AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (LP&IR) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2 ESTABLISH BASIC STANDARDS AND MINIMUM WAGES Objective statement Setting standards to reduce inequality in pay and minimum wages for all vulnerable workers Baseline Taxi and Hospitality workers and contract cleaning workers sectoral determination reviewed in 2016/17 Justification Protection of vulnerable workers ensured Links Outcome 4 (sub outcome 7): Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Five Year Target 95% Gaps in minimum wage determinations covered
PROGRAMME 4: LABOUR POLICY AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (LP&IR) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3 ADVANCE NATIONAL PRIORITIES THROUGH BILATERAL RELATIONS Objective statement Promotion of national interests through bilateral cooperation agreements Baseline 1 mid-term and 1 annual implementation reports submitted in September and March respectively 2016/17 Justification Promote international cooperation and coordinate all bilateral engagements of the Department. Links Outcome 11: Create a better South Africa, a better Africa and a better World Five Year Target 8 signed MoUs implemented and 5 new MoUs signed
PROGRAMME 4: LABOUR POLICY AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (LP&IR) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4 PROMOTING SOUND LABOUR RELATIONS Objective statement Promote sound labour relations and centralised Collective Bargaining Baseline 61.5% of collective agreements extended with 90 calendar days of receipt. 26 collective agreements received in 2016/2017: • 16 extended within 90 days; • 10 extended in longer than 90 days. 96% of applications for registration finalised within 90 calendar days 118 applications were received. 11 applications for registration approved within 90 calendar days 102 applications for registration refused within 90 calendar days Justification Sound labour relations are a necessary condition for decent employment, inclusive economic growth, freedom of association, social justice and effective social dialogue in the labour market Links Outcome 4 (sub outcome 7): Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Five Year Target Development of programmes to address workplace conflict through (a) improved communication, career mobility, skills development and fairness in workplaces, and (b) stronger labour-relations systems Process implemented in 3 sectors and 10 workplaces The share of unprotected strikes in total strike action decrease with 50%
PROGRAMME 4: LABOUR POLICY AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (LP&IR) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 5 MONITOR THE IMPACT OF LABOUR LEGISLATION Objective statement Promote sound policy framework through research and labour market information analysis Baseline 1. By 30 June 2016, two annual labour market trend reports were produced. These reports include: Job Opportunity and Unemployment in the SA Labour Market report 2015/16 and Annual Labour Market Bulletin 2015/16. 2. By 31 March 2017, two annual labour market trend reports were produced. These reports include: Annual Industrial Action Report 2016 and Annual Administrative Statistics 2016 2 Research reports produced and submitted by 31 March 2017. 1. Investigating resource adequacy for effective inspections to be conducted within the South African Labour Market (Resource Adequacy) 2. Research on the Analysis of the impact and effectiveness of the BCEA Earning Threshold Justification Provide research findings and ensure up to date labour market information for evidence based policy intervention to branches and funds responsible for the various labour legislation and policies Links Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Five Year Target Twenty annual labour market trends and eight final research reports will be produced and disseminated to internal and external stakeholders for decision making
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2018/19 Programmes of the Department of Labour: PROGRAMME 1: Administration PROGRAMME 2: Inspections and Enforcement Services PROGRAMME 3: Public Employment Services PROGRAMME 4: Labour Policy and Industrial Relations
MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (M-PAT) Performance Indicator RP Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 1.1 Contribution to best governance and management practices within the department A 45% of total Department’s M-PAT standards per KPI at level 3 and 4 by 31 March 2019 50% Implementation of the M-PAT 1.7 Action Plan M-PAT 1.8 Self-assessment report signed off by the DG and submitted to DPME by 30 September 2018 45% of total Department’s M-PAT 1.7 standards at level 3 and 4 by September 2018 based on the Self-Assessment report Develop and sign-off the M-PAT Action Plan by DDG: CS to address challenges raised in MPAT 1.8 45% of total Department’s M-PAT standards at level 3 and 4 by March 2019 based on the final moderated MPAT report
Performance Indicator DoL COMMUNICATION Performance Indicator RP Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2.1 Effective communication and marketing of Departmental work Q and A Communication annual action plan approved 100% implementation of the activities in the annual action plan Communication annual action plan approved by 30 April 2018 100% implementation of the activities mapped for Q1 100% implementation of the activities mapped for Q2 100% implementation of the activities mapped for Q3 100% implementation of the activities mapped for Q4 Developed draft Communication Action Plan for 2019/20 by 31 March 2019
FINANCIAL AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Performance Indicator RP Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 3.1 Number of Annual Financial Statements (AFS) and Interim Financial Statements (IFS) compiled per year that comply with guidelines issued by the National Treasury Q 1 AFS by 31 May, and 3 IFS 30 days after each quarter AFS – 31 May 2018 Q1 -31 July 2018 Q2 - 31 October 2018 Q3 - 31 January 2019 4.1 Cases of irregular, fruitless and wasteful and/or unauthorised expenditure detected per financial year, reported to the Accounting Officer All cases detected
INSPECTIONS AND ENFORCEMENT SERVICES (IES) Performance Indicator RP Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 1.1 Number of employers inspected per year to determine compliance with employment law Q 218 732 43 746 65 620
INSPECTIONS AND ENFORCEMENT SERVICES (IES) Performance Indicator RP Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 1.2 Percentage of non-compliant employers of those inspected served with a notice in terms of relevant labour legislation within 14 calendar days of the inspection Q 80% 1.3 Percentage of non-compliant employers who failed to comply with the served notice referred for Prosecution within 30 calendar days 60% 1.4 Percentage of reported incidents investigated and finalised within prescribed time frames 65%
PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (PES) Performance Indicator RP Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 1.1 Number of work-seekers registered on ESSA system per year Q 650 000 151 000 174 000
PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (PES) Performance Indicator RP Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2.1 Number of work and learning opportunities registered on ESSA per year A 85 000 18 700 42 500 57 800
PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (PES) Performance Indicator RP Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 3.1 Number of registered work-seekers provided with employment counselling per year A 200 000 48 000 104 738 142 001
PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (PES) Performance Indicator RP Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 4.1 Number of registered work and learning opportunities filled by registered work seekers per year A 42 500 9 352 21 252 28 904
LABOUR POLICY AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (LP&IR) Performance Indicator RP Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 1.1 Number of policy instruments developed and promoted to enhance the implementation of EEA by 31 March 2019 A 2017-2018 Annual Employment Equity Report and Public Register published by 30 June 2018 2017-2018 Annual Employment Equity Report and Public Register published by 30 June 2018 2018-2019 Annual Employment Equity Report and Public Register developed by 31 March 2019
LABOUR POLICY AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (LP&IR) Performance Indicator RP Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2.1 Establish institution of the National minimum wage by March 2019 A Introduction of the National Minimum Wage by May 2018 National Minimum Wage of South Africa promulgated by 1 May 2018.
LABOUR POLICY AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (LP&IR) Performance Indicator RP Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 3.1 Reports submitted to the Minister on the implementation of multilateral obligations and bilateral agreements annually A 2 Reports on the implementation of bilateral cooperation and multilateral obligations signed off by the Minister by 31 March 2019: • 1 Mid –term implementation report signed off by the Minister by 31 October 2018; • 2017/18 1 Annual implementation report signed off by the Minister 30 April 2018 2017/18 1 Annual implementation report signed off by the Minister 30 April 2018 1 Mid –term implementation report signed off by the Minister by 31 October 2018
LABOUR POLICY AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (LP&IR) Performance Indicator RP Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 4.1 Percentage of collective agreements extended within 90 calendar days of receipt by 31 March each year Q 100% of collective agreements extended within 90 calendar days of receipt by end of March 2019 100%
LABOUR POLICY AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (LP&IR) Performance Indicator RP Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 4.2 Percentage of labour organisation applications for registration approved or refused within 90 calendar days of receipt by end of March 2019 Q 100% of labour organisation applications for registration approved or refused within 90 calendar days of receipt by end of March 2019 100% 4.3 Moderating Workplace Conflict by amending the Labour Relations Act and measuring the impact thereof Report on impact of amendments on workplace conflict by 31 March 2019 Impact assessment method finalised Monitoring report on impact submitted by end September 2018 Monitoring report on impact submitted by end of December 2018 Monitoring report on impact submitted by end of March 2019
LABOUR POLICY AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (LP&IR) Performance Indicator RP Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 5.1 Number of labour market trends reports produced annually A 4 Annual labour market trend reports produced by March 2019 Two annual labour market trend reports produced by June 2018. These include: the Job Opportunity and Unemployment in the South African labour market and Annual Labour Market reports for 2017/18 Two annual labour market trend reports produced by March 2019. These include: the Annual Administrative Statistics and Industrial Action reports for 2017
LABOUR POLICY AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (LP&IR) Performance Indicator RP Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 5.2 Number of research reports on labour market research produced and submitted to the Deputy Director General: LP&IR by 31 March 2019 A 4 research reports produced and submitted to the Deputy Director General: LP&IR by 31 March 2019 Literature Review Reports completed and signed-off by the research steering committee by June 2018 Data collection Instruments developed and approved by the Research Steering Committee by September 2018 Data collection completed by 30 November 2018 and 4 draft reports prepared and submitted to the steering committee by December 2018 4 Final research reports produced and submitted to by the DDG-LP&IR by March 2019
SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT ENTERPRISES (SEE) Performance Indicator RP Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 1.1 Number of additional persons with disabilities provided with work opportunities in the SEE by the end of March 2022 Q 100 additional persons with disabilities provided with work opportunities in the SEE by the end of March 2019 25 50 75 100 1.2 Percentage annual increase of sales revenue from goods and services by the end of March 2022 10% annual increase of sales revenue from goods and services by the end of March 2019 10%
COO| 2018-05/22 Thank You…