Day: ___MONDAY_______ Date: __April 2____


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Day: ___MONDAY_______ Date: __April 2____ Warm-up Cosmology is... Learning Goals 1. List the Theories of the Moon’s Formation. Current Research supports which one? 2. The Moon is now thought to be even older than the ______ or _____ Explain Why. 4/2 Earth, Moon & Sun */ Th/F Weekly Objectives Form 3 FACTS About the Moon FINISH TESTS FROM LAST Friday Homework: Read Ch. 28.2 + Outline

Day: __tues/Wed___ Date: __APRIL 3+4____ Warm-up If you’ve been to the ocean, did you know if the tide was high or low? Why would this be important to know? Learning Goals 1. what is a Spring and Neap Tide? 2. Draw a diagram showing the Sun, Earth and Moon’s positions for both a Spring Tide occurrence and a Neap Tide occurrence. 4/3+4 Fill-In Weekly Objectives. ✔Off – Homework Ch. 28.2 Outline */* Earth & Moon Power Pt. and notes Video- Synchronous Rotation   ✔Off - Earth & Moon PP notes */* Ch 28-2 The Moon Wkbk Review Day’s Learning Goals PLICKERS QUIZ

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