Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic SOCIAL AGENDA OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY Jaroslav Kováč Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic
OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY SOCIAL AGENDA OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY HORIZONTAL TOPIC OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY „Securing Jobs and Prosperity for the Present and for the Future“ Focus on the following areas: Support and development of decent work Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion New measures to promote employment Promoting equal treatment and equal opportunities MISSOC Network Meeting, Bratislava, 10-11 November 2016
OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY SOCIAL AGENDA OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY Support and development of decent work Legislative initiatives: Posting Directive Revision of the founding acts of tripartite EU agencies Revision of legislation on safety and health at work with regard to the threat to mutagens and carcinogens Regulations on the coordination of social security systems MISSOC Network Meeting, Bratislava, 10-11 November 2016
OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY SOCIAL AGENDA OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY Support and development of decent work Event thematically oriented at this priority: Directors General Meeting for Industrial Relations meeting Date: 19.-20.5.2016 OSH Conference - Theme: „A better preventive culture in a new labour market“ Date: 24-25 October 2016 SLIC – Labour inspectorates Conference – Theme“ „Ageing workforce and changes in the labour market – role of labour inspection“ Date: 8–11 November 2016 MISSOC - Date: 9– 12 November 2016 MISSOC Network Meeting, Bratislava, 10-11 November 2016
OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY SOCIAL AGENDA OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion Legislative and non-legislative initiatives: The integration process of Roma in the EU MISSOC Network Meeting, Bratislava, 10-11 November 2016
OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY SOCIAL AGENDA OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion Event thematically oriented at this priority: High Level Conference "Empowerement of Roma Youth as a Driving Force behind Change" (10.-11.10.2016) Informal meeting of the SPC (Social Protection Committee) - Date: 19.-20.9.2016 Informal meeting of the EMCO (Employment Committee) - Date: 22.-23.9.2016 MISSOC Network Meeting, Bratislava, 10-11 November 2016
OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY SOCIAL AGENDA OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY New measures to promote employment Legislative and non-legislative initiatives: Agenda for new skills for Europe Initiative to promote youth employment (Youth Guarantee) MISSOC Network Meeting, Bratislava, 10-11 November 2016
OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY SOCIAL AGENDA OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY New measures to promote employment Event thematically oriented at this priority: Informal EPSCO - 14-15 July 2016, Bratislava Theme: “Facing the Social and Technological Challenges in the World of Work – Demographic change, Migration, Digitalization” Meeting of Heads of Public employment services Date: 30.11.-2.12.2016 MISSOC Network Meeting, Bratislava, 10-11 November 2016
OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY SOCIAL AGENDA OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY Promotion of equal treatment and equal opportunities Legislative and non-legislative initiatives: Anti-discrimination directive Accessibility Act Beijing Platform for Action on Women and Poverty MISSOC Network Meeting, Bratislava, 10-11 November 2016
OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY SOCIAL AGENDA OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY Promotion of equal treatment and equal opportunities Event thematically oriented at this priority: Conference - Theme: „Reconciling Work and Family Life in a Changing Society“ Date: 20.-21.9.2016 EDF: Conference of the European Disability Forum Date: 14.11.2016 MISSOC Network Meeting, Bratislava, 10-11 November 2016
OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY SOCIAL AGENDA OF THE SLOVAK PRESIDENCY Other topics of the Slovak Presidency European Pillar of Social Rights MISSOC Network Meeting, Bratislava, 10-11 November 2016
Thank you for your attention ! Jaroslav Kovac International Relations and European Affairs Department Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic