Alabama Graduation Rate is 86% SCS Graduation Rate = 91% Alabama Graduation Rate is 86%
ACT Scores – All Juniors 2014
ACT Workkeys Scores 44 students Bronze Category 57 students Silver Category 27 students Gold Category Workkeys measures career readiness skills for all Seniors ACT Workkeys Scores
Advanced Placement 166 Students Enrolled 166 Students Enrolled 9 courses 366 Exams 166 Students Enrolled 9 Courses 366 Exams Advanced Placement
ASPIRE data -% proficient
Scholarships SHS Class of 2014 $4,051,505 Offered to Seniors of 2014 Scholarships SHS Class of 2014
Highly Qualified Teachers 180 teachers, 58% Advanced Degrees 16 National Board Certification 100% Highly Qualified Highly Qualified Teachers
SCS Budget