Reflective Discussion


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Presentation transcript:

Reflective Discussion Add contact information if required Module lasts 30 minutes.

Reflective discussion

Purpose of the requirement

Activity Activity: 5 minutes Show of hands. Ask for feedback on the question Flipchart feedback Then consolidate feedback using the following slides.

About the reflective discussion Notes for facilitators The reflective discussion must take place with a registered nurse or midwife. There may be occasions when the nurse or midwife may choose not to ask their line manager to be their discussion partner.

Reflective discussion partner Notes for facilitators Emphasise the need for reflective discussion partner to be NMC registered nurse or midwife. Highlight the professional development opportunity this provides for the reflective discussion partner.

If you are a reflective discussion partner Notes for facilitators The reflective discussion partner must provide a brief summary of the content of the discussion on the form. This could include suggestions for future actions or objectives.

Good listeners…

When listening…

Leading and taking part in a reflective discussion

Activity Activity - 12 minute exercise – 5 minutes each – facilitator to call half time. Each participant to use reflective account from previous module. Each participant to practice reflective discussion techniques. Action for facilitator Put up next slide during discussion.

Linking the Code to the discussion

How to record your reflective discussion Notes for facilitators A paper copy of the form to be kept instead of online to avoid any obligations under the Date Protection Act.

Notes for facilitators The reflective discussion partner must provide a brief summary of the content of the discussion on the form. This could include suggestions for future actions or objectives.

What will the confirmer need to see? Notes for facilitators It is not the role of the confirmer to assess the written reflective accounts or the reflective discussion. They simply need to be satisfied that these requirements have been met.

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