Tens of thousands of people are homeless after tropical cyclone Pam slammed into the Pacific Ocean nation of Vanuatu, claiming dozens of lives
Vanuatu is one of the world’s poorest countries President Baldwin Lonsdale of Vanuatu says the disaster has wiped out the all of the country’s development 80 per cent of the 277,000 population rely on subsistence farming to make a living
Besides destroying homes, roads and bridges, the storm hit crops and there are now fears of food shortages
Our partner TEAR Fund New Zealand has staff on the ground helping survivors
PRAYER POINTS Please pray for those mourning the loss of loved ones and for the swift recovery of people who are injured Pray that people who have lost homes and are staying in evacuation centres will be able to start rebuilding soon
PRAYER POINTS Pray that aid workers will be able to reach communities that have been cut-off by the cyclone Ask the Lord to bless Tearfund partners with energy and resilience as they respond to the needs of so many in difficult circumstances
Emergency appeal You can also help the people of Vanuatu by making a donation to our emergency appeal: