Newton’s First and Second Law of Motion 1/4/16 1/4 Bridge Contest/Grades Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion WB p. 75-76 1/5 Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion TB p. 160-164 HW: TB p 171 #1-6 in NB 1/6 Newton’s 2nd law of Motion WB p.72 and TB p. 166-167 HW: TB p 171 #7-13 in NB 1/7 Weight vs Mass Textbook p 392-393 Part A HW: Physics to go TB: p.402 #1 and #2 1/8 Free body diagrams /quiz
Date: 1/4 Goal: I can explain Newton’s first and second Law of Motion Bell ringer: Based on the results of Experiment 2, it is reasonable to conclude that a lower percentage of catkin forms develops from a diet of : Oak catkins only than from a diet of oak catkins and leaves Oak leaves only than from a diet of oak catkins and tannins. Oak catkins and leaves than from a diet of oak leaves only. Oak catkins and tannins than from a diet of oak catkins and leaves Experiment 2 Eggs were collected and hatched and were assigned one of four experimental groups. All caterpillars were raised at a temperature of 25o C in photoperiod of 14 hours of light
Newton’s First and Second Law of Motion 1/4/16 Science Fair Project – make sure you have submitted each assignment to Semester ends 2/4/16 All late work or redone work and quizzes most be complete by 1/30/16 HW from 12/18 TB p. 138 #1-6 Homework everyweek
Date: 1/4 Goal: I can explain Newton’s first and second Law of Motion Bridge Contest- due Friday 1/15/16 Bridge Drawing of top and side view to scale 30% Four sided bridge construction 56% Each of the construction specifications 2% (7 specification =14%) (Height, Length, Width, Mass, Loading positions, Loading plane, Clearance)
Date: 1/4 Goal: I can research how to build a bridge 1. Video of Bridge design Independently read Bridge specifications Answer specification question
Date: 1/4 Goal: I can research how to build a bridge Independently read and annotate Bridge specifications -Circle headings -Box vocabulary words -Single underline specifications (statement detailing materials, dimensions, and quality of work for something to be built)
Date: 1/4 Goal: I can research how to build a bridge With you shoulder partner complete the Bridge check list Rules Friday bring a grocery bag or shoe box to take home your bridge pieces
Date: 1/5 Goal: I can apply Newton’s second law of motion. Bell ringer: Venus Williams is a record holder for one of the fastest tennis serves in the world by a female player. The speed of the serve was almost 208 km/h (129 mi/h). To serve a tennis ball this at this speed requires skill, timing, and force. How will the same amount of force affect a tennis ball and a bowling ball differently?
Today’s Activity 1/5 Take out WB p.75-76
Constant Force Data WB p. 75 Total mass of cart and extra mass Acceleration Run 1 Cart 100g=.1kg Run 2 Cart plus 100g =.1kg 200g=.2kg Run 3 Cart plus 150g=.15kg 250g=.25kg Run 4 Cart plus 200g=.20kg 300g=.3kg .108 m/s/s .025 m/s/s .018 m/s/s .008m/s/s
Support for the Conclusion WB p.76 Claim based on evidence Evidence (observation) When a constant force acts on an object_______ _____________________ When the mass of an object is increased and the magnitude of the force on the object remains constant its acceleration___________ _______________________ The cart started out slow and moved faster it accelerates As we added more mass, the cart started out fast and moved slower decreases
Conclusion WB p. 76 My claim is _____________________________ _____________because___________________ __________________________________________ Another claim is ____________________________ ___________________________because________ when a constant force acts on an object it accelerates the cart in our activity accelerated when a constant force was applied to it. when the mass of an object is increased and the magnitude of the force on the object remains constant, its acceleration decreases I have also seen this in life when………
Date: 1/5 Goal: I can apply Newton’s second law of motion. Grab a text book Independently read TB p. 160-164 and take Cornell notes in your NB. Tilte: TB p. 160-164 15min
Date: 1/5 Goal: I can apply Newton’s second law of motion. Newton’s Second Law Video
Date: 1/5 Goal: I can apply Newton’s second law of motion. Bridge supplies Bridge video
Directions: Answer the questions below In your notebook Title 1/6 Conclusion Skill Type and Level -Interpretation of Data 503 ACT Score Range - 24-27 Skill - Determine how the values of variables change as the value of another variable changes in a simple data presentation . Explain how the independent variable's change affected the dependent variable Is the conclusion consistent with the data? Explain why or why not
Independently read and annotate WB p. 77-80 5 min Date: 1/5 Goal: I can review and explain Newton’s first and second Law of Motion Independently read and annotate WB p. 77-80 5 min
Date: 1/6 Goal: I can review and explain Newton’s first and second Law of Motion Bell Ringer: A ball rolls from point A to B. Explain how the ball’s KE and GPE will be different from position A and B A B
Independently read and annotate WB p. 77-80 5 min Date: 1/6 Goal: I can review and explain Newton’s first and second Law of Motion Independently read and annotate WB p. 77-80 5 min
Date: 1/6 Goal: I can review and explain Newton’s first and second Law of Motion video
Date: 1/6 Goal: I can review and explain Newton’s first and second Law of Motion Workbook p. 81 Complete with your face partner Partner A completes 1 Partner B completes 2 Share your answer with your partner, agree on the answer and write down the answer Continue this process through p. 81-82
Constant Force Data WB p. 75 Total mass of cart and extra mass Acceleration Run 1 Cart 100g=.1kg Run 2 Cart plus 100g =.1kg 200g=.2kg Run 3 Cart plus 150g=.15kg 250g=.25kg Run 4 Cart plus 200g=.20kg 300g=.3kg Total mass of cart and extra mass (kg) Acceleration Run 1 Cart .1 .108 .01 Run 2 Cart plus 100g =.1kg .2 .025 .005 Run 3 Cart plus 150g=.15kg .25 .018 .0045 Run 4 Cart plus 200g=.20kg .3 .008 .0024 .108 m/s/s .025 m/s/s .018 m/s/s .008m/s/s
Date: 1/7 Goal: I can draw examples of Newton’s 1st and 2nd laws. Bell Ringer: What is the acceleration of the dog in the picture? F=ma
Today’s Activity 1/7 Free body diagram video
Today’s Activity 1/7 1 2 4 3 Draw and answer in your notebook
Today’s Activity 1/7 Create a poster of Newton’s First Law of Motion State Newton’s First Law Draw an example Explain your example
State Newton’s First Law Name Period Date State Newton’s First Law State Newton’s first law Draw an examples Explain your example The blocks are at rest The blocks want to stay in motion
Today’s Activity 12/18 Complete WB p 72 Newton’s second law
Today’s Activity 12/18 Complete WB p 72 Newton’s second law Also Complete WB p. 81-82
State Newton’s 2ndLaw State Newton’s 2nd law Draw an examples Name Period Date State Newton’s 2ndLaw 2nd poster State Newton’s 2nd law Draw an examples Explain your example The force on the baseball is equal to the mass of the ball times the ball’s acceleration
State Newton’s 2ndLaw State Newton’s 2nd law Draw an examples Name Period Date State Newton’s 2ndLaw 2nd poster State Newton’s 2nd law Draw an examples Explain your example The force on the van is equal to the mass of the van times the van’s acceleration
Newton’s 1st Law
Newton’s 1st Law
Newton’s 1st Law
Newton’s 2nd Law
What’s acceleration? Newton’s 2nd Law
Newton’s 2nd Law
12/18 Due today: WB p 67, 72, 75-76, and 81-82 TB p 138 #1-6 in NB HW: Physics to go TB: p.402 #1 and #2 Have a great Holiday Break!
Workbook p. 81 Complete with your face partner Partner A completes 1 Partner B completes 2 Share your answer with your partner, agree on the answer and write down the answer Continue this process through p. 81-82
Example of a conservative system: The simple pendulum. Suppose we release a mass m from rest a distance h1 above its lowest possible point. What is the maximum speed of the mass and where does this happen ? To what height h2 does it rise on the other side ? v h1 h2 m
Example: The simple pendulum. What is the maximum speed of the mass and where does this happen ? E = K + U = constant and so K is maximum when U is a minimum. y y=h1 y=0
Example: The simple pendulum. What is the maximum speed of the mass and where does this happen ? E = K + U = constant and so K is maximum when U is a minimum E = mgh1 at top E = mgh1 = ½ mv2 at bottom of the swing y y=h1 h1 y=0 v
Example: The simple pendulum. To what height h2 does it rise on the other side? E = K + U = constant and so when U is maximum again (when K = 0) it will be at its highest point. E = mgh1 = mgh2 or h1 = h2 y y=h1=h2 y=0
Potential Energy, Energy Transfer and Path A ball of mass m, initially at rest, is released and follows three difference paths. All surfaces are frictionless The ball is dropped The ball slides down a straight incline The ball slides down a curved incline After traveling a vertical distance h, how do the three speeds compare? h 1 3 2 (A) 1 > 2 > 3 (B) 3 > 2 > 1 (C) 3 = 2 = 1 (D) Can’t tell
S Fx = m2ax = -T + fk = -T + mk N S Fy = 0 = N – m2g An experiment Two blocks are connected on the table as shown. The table has a kinetic friction coefficient of mk. The masses start at rest and m1 falls a distance d. How fast is m2 going? T m1 m2 m2g N m1g fk Mass 1 S Fy = m1ay = T – m1g Mass 2 S Fx = m2ax = -T + fk = -T + mk N S Fy = 0 = N – m2g | ay | = | ay | = a =(mkm2 - m1) / (m1 + m2) 2ad = v2 =2(mkm2 - m1) g / (m1 + m2) DK= - mkm2gd – Td + Td + m1gd = ½ m1v2+ ½ m2v2 v2 =2(mkm2 - m1) g / (m1 + m2)