MANDARIN HIGH SCHOOL CHEERLEADING Tryouts 2018-2019 2016-2017 Tryouts
JV or Varsity: Which is for me? Junior Varsity Varsity JV football game (Thurs.) 9th/10th gr. pep rallies 9th-11th graders eligible Tumbling skills optional, strong crowd leading ability, willing and able to learn and grow with new skills. Potential JV Competition Squad Varsity football games (Fri.) 11th/12th gr. pep rallies 9th-12th graders eligible Tumbling preferred, strong crowd leading ability, strong stunting skills. Varsity competition squad. JV and Varsity split girls & boys varsity basketball games. Fundraisers, practices, camps/clinics, and social events are generally held together.
Key Tryout Information See tryout packet for a complete list of Required Forms Skills Assessed Cheer Chant Dance Jumps Tumbling Stunting positions Attire Plain white t-shirt, black shorts, white bow, cheer/tennis shoes Natural makeup, hair needs to be in a clean (not messy) ponytail, no fly-aways Squad selection will be posted on no later than 10:00 am on Saturday, April 21st
Clinic & Tryout Information Pre-tryout clinic: (Must submit current physical to attend.) Monday April 9th & Wednesday April 11th, 5:30-7:30 Tryout Clinic Week: (Clinics closed to spectators) The tryout cheer, chant, & dance will be taught the first day of clinic, and reviewed throughout the week. Monday April 16th – Thursday, April 19th We will start letting athletes in at 4:45. Formal Tryout: Friday April 20th 5:30 p.m. Athletes need to arrive by 4:45. Spectators will be let in at 5:15. $5 Admission (spectators)
Squad Selection / Judging Tryout Judging Also considered in CHEER PROGRAM selection Panel of 3-5 Judges Score cheer, chant, dance, jumps, tumbling & spirit Coach observations during workshop Attitude, work ethic, leadership, enthusiasm, poise, willingness to be coached during workshop Stunting positions strongly considered Teacher recommendations Attendance Grades Discipline We are looking for well- rounded student-athletes! Leaders in the classroom Reliable Role-models Overall ideal representative of Mandarin High School
Time Commitment Spring/Summer Practices: We will begin practice Monday April 26th and continue throughout the summer. Calendar will be uploaded to the website today. Mandatory: UCA Camp @ UCF, Orlando from June 18th-21st. Football Season: August – October (November for Varsity) J.V. – Practices: Tuesday (2:30-4:30) Thursday (3:00-4:45), Games: Thursday nights (6pm) Varsity- Practice: Mon and Thurs (2:45-4:45) Tues (2:30-4:30) Games: Friday nights Basketball Season: November – February (Home games only) Games: 1-2 games per week Competitive Season (Varsity & Potentially JV): October-Early February
Varsity Competition Team We will be training at Zone Cheer Allstars this season. Begins August Monday and Thursday (2:45-4:45), with a Zone coach $55/month Girls will carpool from school. Parents are responsible for picking up girls or arranging their rides home. While we train competition skills all year, choreography will be in September (date to be determined).
Competition Team Competitions (November-Early February) 3-4 local competitions, including our annual Head2Head UCA Regionals (Tampa, FL) FHSAA Regionals (Oakleaf High School) FHSAA State (University of Florida) UCA Nationals (Disney) Pending a bid at UCA Regionals
Performance Practices, games and events are always mandatory. People are always watching, so you are never “off the clock”. YOU are OUR reputation. This includes academic/behavioral performance at school. SOCIAL MEDIA CONTRACT
Financial Responsibilities and Fundraising Item ESTIMATED Cost UCA Cheer Camp (4 days) Includes: Lodging, Transportation, Food) $379 Back Pack $51 Uniform (New cheerleaders only) $192 (yours to keep!) Camp/Practice Clothes Approx. $120 Poms $21 Shoes* 82 Warm ups $67 (jacket) Bloomers $30 Bows $15 About Fundraisers: All money raised is property of MHS Cheer: Funds go into a general cheerleading fund, then are divided equally amongst all members. Examples: pay for busses, coaches fees to camp, competition fees, cheer equipment, and other team/squad needs. Fundraising will begin immediately after tryouts.
Parent Roles and Expectations Check email, calendars, websites for updates. Support us from the stands Provide drinks/snacks for our team and visiting teams. Organize game day meals & bonding events for team (clear dates through coaches please). Assist in special events like Homecoming Week and Senior Night. Model proper sportsmanship and positive attitudes. Help your cheerleader make the grades! (Preferred minimum 2.5 GPA) Photography Transportation to and from practices. Follow chain of command Coach Athletic Director Principal
We are SO excited about 2018-2019! See you at tryouts!