Directions: VOICE 1! Bookbags at the back of room You need: Notebook/Tape/Glue Friday Bellringer Turn in lab safety to bin if you didn’t turn it in yesterday.
Front of Notebook: Write your Name Science Mrs. Smith 708 Notebook Set UP Front of Notebook: Write your Name Science Mrs. Smith 708
Back of first page tape or glue in scientific method video notes Section 1: Video Notes (if you have a divider there write it there, otherwise write it on the inside cover of your notebook) Back of first page tape or glue in scientific method video notes
Glue/tape in Week of 8/29 Bellringer sheet Section 2 Bellringers/Vocab Glue/tape in Week of 8/29 Bellringer sheet
Activities/Quizzes/Tests Section 3: Labs/Classwork/ Activities/Quizzes/Tests
Remove the dividers to make the 3rd section big Sections 4&5 Remove the dividers to make the 3rd section big
Inside Cover