Title One Parent Meeting October 7, 2013 E.M. Pease Middle School Title One Parent Meeting October 7, 2013
What is Title One? Federal program to support schools that serve large numbers of economically disadvantaged students. School-wide Program Goal: high quality standard of success for all students. It is a federal program that provides additional funding to support schools that serve large numbers of economically disadvantaged students. Because more than half of our students qualify for the federal lunch program, we are allowed to use our Title One funds to support the identified learning needs of any student attending school at Timberwilde, regardless of income level. We will work to make sure that all children meet the same high quality standard of success.
What does Title One money fund here at Pease? Additional Staff Members Training for staff Learning materials Family activities Tutors Technology Training for parents, teachers, and staff Learning materials to supplement and enrich the school curriculum Learning activities for families, to enhance learning at home Education activities to promote character education Activities and events to promote parent involvement in their children’s education Hiring of additional staff including: a reading specialist, a full-time math specialist, an at-risk assistant and .5 of a counselor
AYP ~ Federal Accountability 07-08 ~ MET 08-09 ~ MET 09-10 ~ Did NOT Meet [SE Math] 10-11 ~ Did NOT Meet [SE Math] 11-12 ~ MET [one of only FOUR middle schools] 12-13 ~ We WILL Meet!!! That is our GOAL!
Parent Involvement When schools, families, and community groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school more. Henderson and Mapp, 2002 Research conducted by the National PTA in 2004 found that parent/family involvement results in higher student achievement. Students achieve more, regardless of socio-economic status, ethnic/racial background, or the parents’ education level. Students have higher test grades and test scores, better attendance, and complete homework more consistently. Students have higher graduation rates and greater enrollment rates in postsecondary education. Student achievement for disadvantaged students improves dramatically.
Why is Parental Involvement so important? Research shows that teamwork works! Parents matter! Because of these reasons, a parent involvement program is required at all Title One schools. The National PTA study also found that successful schools engage families from diverse backgrounds; build trust and collaboration; recognize, respect and address family needs; and develop a partnership where power and responsibility are shared. When schools and parents work together, kids do better. Parents are the constant in their children’s lives – their first (and most important) teachers. Because of these reasons a parent involvement program is required at all Title One schools.
How can you be involved & informed? Parent Connection Pease Website Tweet Pease Volunteer Join our PTA Become a WatchDog Participate in our Student-Led Conferences and Family Fun Nights Meet with your child’s teachers any time that you have a concern or just want to discuss your child’s progress Use the Northside Parent Connection site to monitor your child’s grades and attendance Read newsletters, post the school calendar on your refrigerator or some other visible site, visit our school website to learn more about our school Share a love of learning, reading, and math with your child Join our PTA
Parents Make the Difference! YOU are the biggest influence in your child’s life and education. The difference between a good school and a GREAT school is the involvement of its parents. Your child’s teachers and classmates are important, but you are much more important. Children learn to place importance on the things that are important to their parents. Fifteen minutes of uninterrupted time spent with your child each day can improve study skills, build self-esteem and go a long way toward a successful school experience. We hope that you will form a strong partnership with us this year so that, together, we can help your child to reach high and achieve outstanding levels of success at school.