Form 2 Form teacher: Nicola Carmichael TA: Natasha Brashko.


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Presentation transcript:

Form 2 Form teacher: Nicola Carmichael TA: Natasha Brashko

Why are we meeting? General introduction for the beginning of the Autumn Term. Important information for the rest of the school year. Any questions you may have.

The Year 2 Curriculum Core Subjects: English Mathematics Science Computing RE

The Year 2 Curriculum Foundation Subjects: History Geography PE Art & DT

This Half-Term's Project Autumn Term 1 Our project in Form 2 for this half term will centre around the theme of growing up. We will explore this theme in detail across all curriculum areas.

This Half-Term's Project English Writing: We will be using the texts ‘Croc and Bird’ by Alexis Deacon and ‘Tadpole’s Promise’ by Jeanne Willis to explore and compare animal lifecycles, and to explore many genres of writing. Reading: We will have daily guided reading sessions, where the children will read in small groups with an adult at a level that is appropriate for them. We will develop word reading and comprehension skills across a range of fiction and non-fiction books and activities.

This Half-Term's Project Maths Number & place value Place value in numbers 0–100 and different ways of representing, comparing and ordering these. Developing a good understanding of place value, comparing and ordering numbers to 100, including ordinal numbers. Addition and Subtraction Learning and using addition and subtraction number facts, including bonds to 10, in simple and harder calculations. Geometry Identifying and classifying 2D shapes, using a variety of sorting devices.

This Half-Term's Project Science Become familiar with the life processes that are common to all living things. Introduce the basic needs of animals for survival. Learn about processes of growth in animals. The following examples might be used: egg, chick, chicken; egg, caterpillar, pupa, butterfly; spawn, tadpole, frog; lamb, sheep. Growing into adults can include reference to baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult.

This Half-Term's Project RE Why Did Jesus Teach The Lord’s Prayer As The Way To Pray? The importance of prayer to Christians, and in particular, The Lord’s Prayer; How this prayer is the way that Jesus taught his followers to pray to God; The meaning of each phrase in The Lord’s Prayer: - God the “Father” as a loving and caring figure, Trust in God for providing daily needs, Forgiving and forgiveness, Temptation and God as a guide, Praise for God; How The Lord’s Prayer is used by Christians worldwide.

This Half-Term's Project RE Why Did Jesus Teach The Lord’s Prayer As The Way To Pray? The importance of prayer to Christians, and in particular, The Lord’s Prayer; How this prayer is the way that Jesus taught his followers to pray to God; The meaning of each phrase in The Lord’s Prayer: - God the “Father” as a loving and caring figure, Trust in God for providing daily needs, Forgiving and forgiveness, Temptation and God as a guide, Praise for God; How The Lord’s Prayer is used by Christians worldwide.

This Half-Term's Project History Identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods. Childhood then & now- what is the same, what is different? What was it like for your parents when they were your age? Personal timeline Art Use a range of skills to produce self-portrait work. Explore the portraits and self-portraits of a variety of artists by thinking about what the artist is trying to convey about the subject, as well as the techniques that have been used. Create self-portraits using a variety of different techniques and media.

School Rules We walk silently around the school We listen to all adults. We are kind and helpful We are gentle We are honest We work hard We know how to keep ourselves and others safe We look after property

Uniform School uniform must be worn at all times. Please label ALL of your child’s clothes – laundry markers are best!

PE Every Wednesday and Friday Form 2 will have PE. Please ensure that your child brings their PE kit (please see uniform policy) with them on a Monday and takes it home on Friday.

Mornings Children line up when the bell goes at 8.55am. If you need to look for lost property, it’s best to do this at the end of the day. It is important that your child is on time so they have the best possible start to their day. Ms Carmichael comes down to the playground with the children if you need to have a quick word. Please call the school or tell the teacher in the morning if someone else is coming to collect your child.

Homework Maths and English homework will be given out on Friday (to be returned the following Wednesday). This year we will be using Abacus for Maths homework. Weekly spellings will also be given out for the children. The homework is normally a follow up of class learning, and so should be suitably challenging for your child. If it is too difficult or they are spending longer than half an hour doing it, please write a note to that effect in their homework book. Children are expected to read at home every evening.

Healthy Lunches Children bringing a packed lunch to school should bring a healthy selection of food. No sweets No chocolate No nuts

School Trips Trips are often arranged in connection with what ever the children are learning about. Occasionally (but rarely!) a contribution is required, without these contributions the trip can not take place. Please ensure that you return the permission slips at the bottom of the letters – otherwise your child will not be able to go. If you are able to volunteer please indicate on the form- parents are selected on a first come first serve basis. Children always wear their school uniform on trips.

Queries Should you wish to speak to Ms Carmichael please email to make an appointment. In the morning please let us know if anyone else will be collecting your child – unless you have told us directly, we can not let your child go. If your child needs to take medicine during the day it must be taken to the office and a permission slip completed.

Chapel As usual, you are more than welcome to join us for the Friday morning chapel service. Service starts at 9.15 and normally ends at 9.45 am.

Does anyone have any questions?