Gesamtschule Bremen West educational background from 5 th class until the 10 th class ca. 520 Students 46 teachers 5 social educational workers Educational psychological asisstance and Translator Secretary and caretaker
Our Concept Gesamtschule West
Leitbild 1a
Natural science
Schulalltag Age-group teams Head of school in a team Full-Time-School Daily routine 7:40-8:00Open beginning 8:00-8:451st lesson 8:45-9:352nd lesson 9:35-10:203rd lesson 10:20-10:45break 10:45-11:304th lesson 11:30-12:155th lesson 12:15-13:15Midday free time 13:15-13:557th lesson 13:55-14:358th lesson 14:40-15:20Study groups (WAG) 15:20-16:00Study groups (WAG)
Ganztagsschule Profile:Full-Time-School CafeteriaCanteen Students clubSocial work room
WAGs Study groups
Außengelände The Open space
Soziale Kompetenz
Projekttage Project days
Klassenfahrten School trips
Gesundheit Health
Kooperationen Cooperation
WP Obligatory elective subjects Nutrition/ Family and consumer science Art School company TST School office
Demokratie Studying and living democracy Football against racism School partnership Tansania Auf den Spuren des Faschimus Project on Facism