Formation of Relationships PSYA3
To Start…. On a piece of paper answer the questions. 5 Minutes To Start…. Thinking about your current or desired partner. What attracted you to them in the first place? What factors do you think matter in your decision to stay with someone or to break up? Describe the physical features of your ideal romantic partner. Do you believe in love? Describe love in a couple of sentences. Do you believe you will get married one day? What will that decision be based on? On a piece of paper answer the questions. Answer the best you can from personal experience, they will remain private so be honest! Put your answers in the envelope provided and seal it We will look back on these at the end of the unit to see how the theories fit.
Lesson Objectives Thinking Ladder… To KNOW & UNDERSTAND the key points of Reward Need Satisfaction Theory. To UNDERSTAND how relationships are formed according to Reward Need Theory. To be able to APPLY the theory to experiences of relationships.
Success Criteria How will I know if I am learning? By the end of the lesson… E Will be able to define Reward/Need Satisfaction Theory. C Will be able to explain how relationships are formed according to Reward/Need Satisfaction Theory. A Will be able to apply Reward/Need Satisfaction Theory to experiences of relationships.
Cycle of a Relationship Formation of Relationships Cycle of a Relationship Formation Maintenance Dissolution (end!) 3 stages
What attracts us to a potential partner? Formation of Relationships What attracts us to a potential partner? 10 minutes In pairs consider the lonely hearts adds. Write down the most common things people are looking for in a partner. Rank the things in order of importance. Why are they the most important. Extension: Consider what actually makes a relationship. What do relationships consist of?
What are the most important attributes of a prospective partner Formation of Relationships What are the most important attributes of a prospective partner 2. Why are they important in a relationship?
Reward/Need Satisfaction Theory Byrne & Clore (1970) Formation of Relationships Reward/Need Satisfaction Theory Byrne & Clore (1970) Based on the principles of Classical and Operant conditioning.
Someone New (Potential Partner) Formation of Relationships Reward/Need Satisfaction Theory Byrne & Clore (1970): Association Before Conditioning During Conditioning After Conditioning Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) Pleasant Experience Produces Unconditioned Response (UCR) Happiness Is paired with Neutral Stimulus (NS) Someone New (Potential Partner) Conditioned (CS) Potential Partner Conditioned Response (CR)
Attraction through Association Formation of Relationships Attraction through Association How might we become attracted to someone through association? What kind of factors might we associate them with? Fill out the classical conditioning sheet with one of your ideas. What would be the UCS, UCR, NS, CS and CR?
Attraction through reward and punishment Formation of Relationships Attraction through reward and punishment Operant Conditioning Create and fill out a table with your ideas… What features of a relationship might be negatively reinforcing? What features of a person or relationship are rewarding?
Attraction through reward and punishment Operant Conditioning Formation of Relationships Attraction through reward and punishment Operant Conditioning Anything with reflect our unmet needs & make us happy. Company Financial Security Good Prospects Family Attractive partner Fun (sex) Removal of stress, or upset through offering support.
Attraction through reward and punishment Formation of Relationships Attraction through reward and punishment Operant Conditioning Anything which is rewarding produces positive feelings. We are more likely to repeat these experiences as they are positively reinforced. Therefore we enter into relationships because the presence of some people is associated with the positive reinforcement they bring. They make us feel happy and we are more attracted to them. Mutual attraction occurs when each partner meets the other partner’s needs e.g. the need for financial security or the need for affectionate love.
Formation of Relationships Task: Rebecca Smith Rebecca is 30 years old. She’s currently an actress who lives in Derby. She is very busy as she is about to star in a new show until it finishes and her contract ends. She would like to start a family in the next couple of years. Look at her facebook profile. Write a suitable description of the kind of person she would be attracted to based on Reward/Need theory. Think about: What kind of needs does she have? What would she find rewarding?