Mulberry River Watershed Management Plan


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Presentation transcript:

Mulberry River Watershed Management Plan Advisory Committee Meeting January 29, 2018

Mulberry River Watershed

Potential Sources of Contamination from TMDL plans Fecal coliform Urban runoff Livestock access to waterways Direct sewage discharge Leaking/failing septic systems Sanitary sewerage leak/overflow Wastewater treatment facilities Sediment Legacy sediment Urban development These are potential pollution sources identified in the TMDL plan. Does committee agree with these? Does the committee have any potential sources to add or subtract?

Monitoring Sites

Monitoring Site Description Monitoring Data Monitoring Site Description Sep-15 Oct-17 E.coli cfu/100 ml Fecal Coliform cfu/100 ml Turbidity (NTU) Conductivity (uS) Mulberry River at Thompson Mill 99.99 166.65 42.40 96.00 1199.88 1999.80 73.50 Mulberry River at Peachtree Rd 33.33 55.55 55.40 90.00 1666.50 2777.50 76.70 Mulberry River at Hwy 11 10.40 77.00 2333.10 3888.50 44.70 Mulberry River at Etheridge Rd 277.75 13.40 69.00 2566.41 4277.35 149.00 Cedar Creek at 211 9.56 64.00 2699.73 4499.55 235.00 Rainfall - previous 48 hours (inches)   Rainfall - previous 24 hours (inches) 1.03 Nov-17 Jan-18 233.31 388.85 10.30 109.00 0.00 29.20 119.00 5.42 125.00 133.32 222.20 13.10 123.00 66.66 111.10 16.20 95.00 14.20 102.00 21.00 135.00 9.51 133.00 11.30 127.00 366.63 611.05 14.00   exceeds seasonal fecal coliform standard (200 May - Oct))   exceeds seasonal fecal coliform standard (1000 Nov - Apr)   wet weather sampling event

Monitoring Data Cedar Creek to Winder Reservoir at 211 February 2004 – Fecal colifom 162 gm April 2004 – Fecal coliform 1332 gm July 2004 – Fecal coliform 4311 gm October 2004 – Fecal coliform 913 gm (May – Oct seasonal standard is 200 gm)

Cedar Creek – Mulberry River Fecal Coliform Counts above state standard after rain event. Agricultural land, some with cattle, drains to sampling site. Possible contamination sources: Agricultural runoff Cattle with access to streams Erosion Dry weather monitoring event: readings not elevated when compared to lower watershed Wet weather monitoring event: reading elevated. Loss of vegetative buffers Comments from contamination sources from committee?

Lower Mulberry River Fecal Coliform Possible contamination sources: Counts above state standard after rain event. Agricultural land, some with cattle, drains to sampling site. Possible contamination sources: Agricultural runoff Cattle with access to streams Erosion Dry weather monitoring event: readings not elevated when compared to lower watershed Wet weather monitoring event: reading elevated. Loss of vegetative buffers

Solutions Stream Bank Stabilization Maintain vegetative buffers Install Ag BMPs Green Infrastructure as subwatershed develops Compliance with E&S ordinance

Healthy Watersheds

Healthy Watershed Components Structure and function in place to support healthy aquatic ecosystems. Key components of a healthy watershed include: intact and functioning headwater streams, floodplains, riparian corridors, instream habitat, and biotic communities; natural vegetation in the landscape; and hydrology, sediment transport, fluvial geomorphology, and disturbance regimes expected for its location.

Mulberry River Watershed Healthy Watersheds Indian Creek Cedar Creek below Winder Reservoir Rocky Creek

Common Characteristics Largely undeveloped (large forested tracts) Vegetated buffers

Cedar Creek below Winder Reservoir Large forested tracks or deep vegetated buffers where development exists. Sampled in 2003 and 2007 2003 – stream rated “excellent” though potential problems with sediment deposition were identified. 2007 – reduced habitat score from 2003. (-6.85%)

Indian Creek Largely undeveloped Upper portion - commercial/residential Middle portion – agriculture Lower portion - forest Water is supporting its designated use. 2016 macroinvertebrate criteria met.

Rocky Creek Large forested tracts Sampled in 2003 and 2007 2003 – stream rated “excellent” but poor bank conditions noted. 2007 – reduced habitat score from 2003. (-19.24%)