Narrative or Expository?
Narrative Text Tells a story
Narrative Text Example There was a young boy named Fred. He was such a happy boy because he loved his mom and dad. One day, his mom and dad told him they would take him fishing. He was so excited. They fished all day and had the best time!
Text which explains something Expository Text Text which explains something
Expository Text Example There are many different lakes in South Carolina. One of these lakes is Lake Murray. Many people visit Lake Murray every weekend. They take that time to ride boats, fish, or swim.
Narrative or Expository? Cats and dogs do not always get along. They are very different animals, although both are types of pets. Many people have cats and dogs in their homes. There once was a cat named Lucky who lived with his best friend, Jamey. Lucky loved to go on adventures. One day he ran away to the park and stayed all day.
Narrative or Expository? It all began that first day. The teacher walked in and her large green head glowed throughout the classroom. The students had heard tales about Mrs. Dragon, but now they knew it was true! The first day of school is an important day. It is the day you get to find out what the year will be like. You get to meet your teacher, your classmates, and your principal.
Narrative or Expository? Little Bigfoot awoke quickly to the sound of the buffalo herd in the distance. He ran from his tepee to grab his bow and arrow. He knew buffalo were close by, and it was time to get some food for the rest of the tribe. The natives of the Plains move from place to place following the buffalo. The buffalo is their main food source, where they get most of their food. They use a bow and arrow to hunt buffalo.