UNRAAVEL a Math Problem Sure-Fire Steps to Becoming a Math Genius! UNRAAVEL Strategy presented by Larry I. Bell. Taken from Area 6 ALTs Fourth and Fifth Grade Problem.
Sometimes it can be difficult to figure out what to do when you are faced with a word problem. Even Albert Einstein said: “Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.”
If he had known about UNRAAVEL….. …..he may have been able to do even more with Math! Are you ready to learn how to UNRAAVEL a math problem?
U = Underline the question Allison is buying five sets of markers for each of her twelve art students. If each set of markers costs $5.75, how much will she spend on markers? Find the question and Underline it! Sid has $50.00. He bought two video games that cost $14.00 each. He also bought a poster for $5.69. How much money did he have left after his purchases? We are going to practice UNRAAVEL with this one! The soccer team scored six times as many goals during the regular season as they did during playoffs. The team scored forty-two goals during the regular season. How many goals were scored during the playoffs? The students are asked to put their booth fifteen feet from the entry way on the path to the parking lot. The parking lot is sixty-two feet from the entry way. How far is their booth from the parking lot?
N = Now Predict What Do You Think You Need to Do to Solve the Problem? Do you think the answer will be larger or smaller? Do you think you will need to add, subtract, multiply, or divide? Are there any hints that you may need to estimate?
I predict that I will need to subtract. I saw the words: HAVE LEFT in the question.
R = Read the Word Problem entire problem!!!!
Read it, Dudes and Dudettes! Sid has $50.00. He bought two video games that cost $14.00 each. He also bought a poster for $5.69. How much money did he have left after his purchases?
A = Are the Important Words Circled? (especially the clue words?) Sid has $50.00. He bought two video games that cost $14.00 each. He also bought a poster for $5.69. How much money did he have left after his purchases?
A = Apply the Steps You Chose to Solve the Problem $14.00 X 2 Video Games $28.00 Video Games Plus Poster $28.00 + 5.69 $33.69 Total Amount Spent
Sid has $50. 00. He bought two video games that cost $14. 00 each Sid has $50.00. He bought two video games that cost $14.00 each. He also bought a poster for $5.69. How much money did he have left after his purchases?
Sid’s Money $ 50.00 - 33.69 What he spent $16.31 Leftover!
V = Verify Your Answer. (Is it reasonable? Does it Make Sense?) $16.31 IS reasonable because it is smaller than $50.00. It would make sense to have this amount left after buying games and a poster.
E = Eliminate Wrong Answers. b. $15.00 c. $55.76 d. $16.31 Too big. Can’t End in two Zeroes. Too big.
L = Let the Answer Stay or Rework the Problem I got that one correct, but I may have to rework the next one!
How do you UNRAAVEL? U nderline the question N ow predict what you think you need to do to solve the problem R ead the word problem A re the important words circled? (especially clue words) A pply the step(s) you chose to solve the problem V erify your answer (is it reasonable; does it make sense?) E liminate wrong answers L et the answer stay or rework the problem Double check your work!
Integer Word Problems Key Words Operation Key Words Equals Is, are, was, were, will be, gives, yields, sold for Addition increased by, more than, combined, together, total of, sum, added to Subtraction decreased by, minus, less, difference between/of, less than, fewer than Multiplication Of, times, multiplied by, product of, increased/decreased by a, factor of (this type can involve both addition or subtraction and multiplication!) Division per, a, out of, ratio of, quotient of, percent (divide by 100)
Math Word Problems from Silver-Burdett Ginn Fifth Grade Math Book. UNRAAVEL Strategy Adapted from the Work and Property of Larry Bell. (http://www.larry-bell.com/ ) PowerPoint Background and Animations from Animation Factory (http://www.animationfactory.com ) Math Word Problems from Silver-Burdett Ginn Fifth Grade Math Book.
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