Plenary session Monitoring and Benchmarking the European Territory ESPON Internal Seminar 2013 “Territorial Evidence for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 and Territorial Agenda 2020” Plenary session Monitoring and Benchmarking the European Territory
Purpose of the session Discuss the usefulness of ESPON results and tools for policy makers at various geographical levels in the context of Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 and the Territorial Agenda 2020. Identify additional needs and expectations from policy makers on territorial monitoring and benchmarking from ESPON.
Programme 9h10 Welcome and introduction 9h15 Usefulness of ESPON results and tools for policy makers by ESPON project teams (10 min each): M4D, Claude Grasland ETMS, Efrain BSR-TeMo, Gunnar Lindberg CITYBENCH, Eduardo Dias 10h00 Statements from policy makers Graeme Purves, Lead stakeholder KITCASP Odd Godal, ESPON MC Norway and stakeholder in BSR-TeMo Anneloes van Noordt, ESPON MC Belgium (Flanders) 10h25 Conclusions
Statements from policy makers on the following questions: How much the ESPON tools can support you? Give some examples on how do you intend to use or are already using ESPON evidence and ESPON tools? What are your concrete needs/expectations in relation to the development of ESPON tools and ESPON territorial monitoring in the future?