ANNUAL BUSINESS SURVEY The target of the survey: Structural Business Statistics Foreign Affiliate Trade Statistics (FATS) National accounts Labour statistics Investment statistics ICT statistics Coverage: All active market enterprises NACE rev.1.1. A – O B-K, O (without 91) at 4 digit level M, N at 3 digit level A, L, 91, 93 at 2 digit level 2018.11.29.
SURVEY STRATEGY (from 2006 onwards) All enterprises are divided into three groups: Exhaustive survey: Average number of persons employed is equal or higher than 50, Turnover is higher than threshold defined for the corresponding NACE group, Enterprises with NACE 652 “Other financial intermediation” un 67 “Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation”, Enterprises for the FATS survey. 10 779 enterprises - 18% of population (without self employed physical persons) 2018.11.29.
SURVEY STRATEGY (from 2006 onwards) Sample survey: Enterprises with the average number of employees between 10 and 49 and not fulfilling previous conditions are surveyed by sample 1 826 enterprises - 3% of population and 21% from the population of sample frame Use of administrative data: Enterprises below above mentioned thresholds (small units) are calculated using administrative sources 39 642 enterprises - 67% of population (without self employed physical persons) Self employed physical persons are estimated from administrative sources (from 2002 onwards) 14 374 persons (2006) 2018.11.29.
SURVEY STRATEGY (from 2006 onwards) SBS data calculation Enterprises above threshold Enterprises below threshold Survey estimation final results thresholds 2018.11.29.
THE MAIN SOURCES OF ADMINISTRATIVE DATA The State Revenue Service (on the basis of official agreement) Annual financial statement of enterprises (enterprises with turnover higher than 200 000 Ls) - balance sheet - profit and loss account Declaration on income from economic activity (enterprises with turnover less than 200 000 Ls and self employed physical persons) Taxes (natural resources tax, lottery and gambling tax, customs tax and other governmental charges and payments) Report on mandatory state social insurance contribution 2018.11.29.
ESTIMATION OF NON-RESPONDENTS Non-response for large enterprises within exhaustive survey are estimated: from other statistical surveys (if available) monthly survey on industrial activities, quarterly surveys on financial situation, labour and investments from administrative sources (the same method as for small enterprises) Non-response rate (from large enterprises surveyed with exhaustive survey) = 18% (2006) 2018.11.29.
COMBINATION AND ESTIMATION OF THE VARIABLES WICH ARE AVAILABLE IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Direct imputation variables from administrative sources are directly copied in to the statistical questionnaire such variables as; number of persons employed, wages and salaries, turnover, other operating income, stocks by kind. Estimations variables, which can not be directly imputed in the statistical questionnaire are estimated using structural coefficients or other methods such variables as; purchase of raw materials and goods, purchase of goods and services for resale, purchase of services, increase of fixed assets. 2018.11.29.
ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE PROJECT deeper and detailed analysis of correlation between administrative and survey data, evaluation of the impact of the size, activity, age and other characteristics of enterprise on structural coefficients (preparation of model based imputations), to research possibilities and to develop imputation models for investment variables Future target: To rise the threshold for the enterprises to be imputed from administrative sources (less number of enterprises surveyed by statistical questionnaires) 2018.11.29.
ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Reduction of response burden for small enterprises evaluated saving is about 59 thsd/hours Retain high data quality Better focus on the large enterprises Disadvantages A lot of imputation work has to be done within the statistical office. Timeliness of administrative data is quite late. Very tight timetable for production of SBS preliminary results: 30 September - administrative data available to CSB 31 October – SBS preliminary results transmitted to Eurostat 2018.11.29.