CS134 Web Design & Development Dreamweaver Introduction Mehmud Abliz
Dreamweaver Basics Only the outline of what’ll be covered about Dreamweaver is given in slides Repeat the activities I demonstrated throughout the whole Dreamweaver section.
Windows and panels overview Menus overview Dreamweaver Basics Windows and panels overview Menus overview Creating a site a Dreamweaver Creating a XHTML page Editing “Preview browser list” Adding text, image, tables, lists, & links Adding stylesheet (internal & external)
Validate your web site early How to validate? Put the following anywhere in your code <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=[URI of the web page]”> </a> Use http://validator.w3.org/ <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check/referer" >xhtml</a> <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer">css</a>