Lit. & Comp. I – English 9 Curriculum Night 2018-2019 Ms. Sarah Henry Contact Info: Email: Website:
Brief Teaching Philosophy: My goal is to provide an environment where students feel safe, respected, and also challenged to develop their critical thinking, writing, and reading skills. I also strongly believe that students should develop communication skills that will help them be successful, healthy, and happy adults. Fortunately, Language Arts classrooms easily allow focus on all of these skills. Through thinking and writing about and discussing literature, we are always looking critically at and talking about the human experience.
Curriculum Covered: TEXTS Short Stories, Nonfiction, & Poetry The Odyssey (Homer) Persepolis (Satrapi) Things Fall Apart (Achebe) Romeo & Juliet (Shakespeare) SKILLS Daily Vocabulary Weekly Grammar Lessons Writing Process – prewriting, drafts, edits, revision, final draft, MLA format Analysis & Critical Thinking Skills Reading Strategies Presentation Skills Collaboration & Discussion Skills
Behavior/Decision Making Grading Categories: Academic Achievement Assessments 100% of Course Grade Essays & Narratives, etc. Vocab. Quizzes Group Collaborations Helps students track their academic progress and mastery of skills Behavior/Decision Making Academic Habits 0% of Course Grade Participation Homework Assignments Helps students draw conclusions about their successes/struggles
Late/Incomplete Work: ALL Assessments must be completed within the quarterly grading period in which they were assigned to receive credit. Late Assessments are accepted, but the following must occur for acceptance: Students who do not submit their work on the due date must complete a “Late Work” form, in which they explain why the work isn’t completed and how/when they plan to complete it. The instructor will provide students who are unable to follow their plan an intervention plan. A copy of this form is available in the classroom. This plan must be approved by the instructor prior to attempting to turn in late work. A 5% per (school) day penalty will apply for all late work. Maximum penalty of 20%. No assessments will be accepted from previous quarters, unless determined necessary by instructor for failing students to achieve a passing grade. NOTE: Please do not expect to receive detailed feedback if turning in work past the due date set by the instructor.
Opportunities for Extra Help/Support: In class workshop time Small groups I am available to all students Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays after school from 3:00-3:30 (AFTER Cross-Country season is over) During open office hours on specific Nest Time days (see calendar of Nest activities)
IEP/504/ELL Plans: I already have copies of your student’s IEP/504/ELL support plans. But if you have specific information that you know (or even think) will help me better help your student, PLEASE let me know. You know your student better than anyone else. If there’s something that you know has worked or helped in the past, a quick “heads up” would be greatly appreciated.
Helping Your Student Find Success: Keep them honest. Let them make their own choices. Encourage them to advocate for themselves. Give them opportunities to share with you. Help them find balance.
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Thank you for working with me to make this year a great one! Finally… Please take a moment to write your child a motivating or encouraging note. I will give it to them at some point during the school year! Thank you for working with me to make this year a great one!
Contemporary Lit. & Comp. Curriculum Night 2018-2019 Ms. Sarah Henry Contact Info: Email: Website:
Course Goals: Cultivate critical reading, writing, and thinking skills Provide ample opportunities to practice collaborative, collegial discussion Scaffold supports to help each individual learner in the class reach his/her full potential Explore some of the great contemporary authors and themes presented through their writing Facilitate a positive learning environment within the classroom community
Essential Questions for the Year: Who am I in society? What is my identity? How does society influence an individual? How can I use my voice/identity to influence society? The Color of Water by James McBride The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood TED Talks (written and performed by students) We will also be reading a variety of poetry, short stories, informational texts, films, plays, and ancillary texts to support the above texts.
Behavior/Decision Making Grading Categories: Academic Achievement Assessments 90% of Course Grade Essays Vocab. Quizzes Presentations Helps students track their academic progress and mastery of skills Behavior/Decision Making Academic Habits 10% of Course Grade Participation Homework Assignments Helps students draw conclusions about their successes/struggles
Late/Incomplete Work: ALL Assessments must be completed within the quarterly grading period in which they were assigned to receive credit. Late Assessments are accepted, but the following must occur for acceptance: Students who do not submit their work on the due date must complete a “Late Work” form, in which they explain why the work isn’t completed and how/when they plan to complete it. The instructor will provide students who are unable to follow their plan an intervention plan. A copy of this form is available in the classroom. This plan must be approved by the instructor prior to attempting to turn in late work. A 5% per (school) day penalty will apply for all late work. Maximum penalty of 20%. No assessments will be accepted from previous quarters, unless determined necessary by instructor for failing students to achieve a passing grade. NOTE: Please do not expect to receive detailed feedback if turning in work past the due date set by the instructor.
Opportunities for Extra Help/Support: In class workshop time Small groups I am available to all students Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays after school from 3:00-3:30 (AFTER Cross-Country season is over) During open office hours on specific Nest Time days (see calendar of Nest activities)
IEP/504/ELL Plans: I already have copies of your student’s IEP/504/ELL support plans. But if you have specific information that you know (or even think) will help me better help your student, PLEASE let me know. You know your student better than anyone else. If there’s something that you know has worked or helped in the past, a quick “heads up” would be greatly appreciated.
Helping Your Student Find Success: Keep them honest. Let them make their own choices. Encourage them to advocate for themselves. Give them opportunities to share with you. Help them find balance.
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Thank you for working with me to make this year a great one! Finally… Please take a moment to write your child a motivating or encouraging note. I will give it to them at some point during the school year! Thank you for working with me to make this year a great one!