Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology Pharmacy English Course Academic Year 2017- 2018 II term Mrs. Loi A.
Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology Pharmacy Mrs. Loi A. Some notes 56 hrs – 28 lessons Delay 15 m’ (quarto d’ora accademico) Autonomous work Commitment to the course Sinergy Respect
Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology Pharmacy Mrs. Loi A. Some notes Absences allowed : 12 hours Il test finale consisterà di uno scritto e anche di un test orale per coloro che non avessero frequentato le lezioni o avessero ecceduto nel numero di assenze consentite. Per gli studenti immatricolati prima del 2015- 2016 non è richiesta la prova orale.
CALENDAR OF THE LESSONS Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology - Pharmacy March : 5 , 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28 April : 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20, 23, 27,30 Maggio: 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14
Exam sessions June July September January February May
Useful websites
Recommended grammar books Oxford Practice Grammar Int. John Eastwood Oxford English Grammar in Use Interm. Raymond Murphy Cambridge University Press
Elementary Grammar Derek Sellen New Total Grammar – for Italian students Black Cat
Student’s Book MyEnglishLab ISBN: New Total English Intermediate Student’s Book MyEnglishLab ISBN: 1) Student’s Book ISBN: 978-1408267189 2) Workbook ISBN: 978-1408267356
Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology - Pharmacy
Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology - Pharmacy Entrance Test