Recent policy developments DG EAC Education and Training Statistics Working Group Luxembourg, 15-16/6/2015 Luca Pappalardo - DG EAC A4
Main developments in the past year New Commission / New Commissioner Investment plan for Europe European Semester 2015 /new CSR ET 2020 Joint Report ETER Bologna Report
Tibor Navracsics New Commissioner Contribute to the jobs, growth and investment package for aspects related to education infrastructure. Contribute to the European Semester, which should be the vehicle for pursuing the modernisation of education systems, and the targets set in the Europe 2020 strategy. Promoting culture as a catalyst for innovation, by maximising the sector’s contribution to jobs and growth and by helping Europe’s culture sectors to reach out to new audiences, using the Creative Europe programme to best effect. Promoting excellence and networking among European universities, with action such as the U-Multirank platform to compare and choose universities, and supporting the mobility of students, through ERASMUS+. Contributing to reinforcing the “knowledge triangle” between education, business and research. Tibor Navracsics
Investment plan for Europe Mobilises 315 bln EUR Targets key sectors – among which, education and training Establishes the European Fund for Strategic Investment, integrated in the EIB group
European Semester New approach CSRs more focused Only key priority issues with macro-economic relevance Actions to be taken within 12-18 months CSRs reduced by around 60% CSRs on education and training for 13 MSs (AT, BG, CZ, DE, EE, HU, IT, LV, LT, MT, RO, SK, UK)
CSRs Issues covered in the 2015
ET 2020 joint report Evaluates progress of implementation of ET 2020 Identify priority areas State of play: Commission is finalising the Communication, which should then be adopted by the Council
ET 2020 Joint Report New proposed priority areas: Relevant and high-quality skills and competences for employability, innovation and active citizenship Inclusive education, non-discrimination and promotion of civic competences Open and innovative education and training, including by fully embracing the digital era Selection, education and support of educators Transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications to facilitate learning and labour mobility Sustainable investment, performance and efficiency of education and training systems
ETER What is it? ETER = European Tertiary Education Register creates an official list of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Europe, including a set of basic data A service contract of DG EAC (with DG RTD and Eurostat) with four core partners (USI, Sapienza, Joanneum, NIFU). Timeframe: 08.2013 – 07.2015 – 07.2017 Data to be collected for 2011 (a.a. 2011/2012) and 2012 (a.a. 2012/2013)
ETER Results The dataset is available on‐line‐eter/ 36 countries: EU, EEA‐EFTA, candidate countries List of HEIs for all countries Data for 29 countries and 2673 HEIs (2254 with data) Data refer to the year 2011 Data for 2012 to be integrated in summer 2015
Bologna implementation report The 2015 report published in may A new report is planned for 2018 Key priorities identified in the Yerevan Communiqué: Quality Employability Inclusiveness Structural reforms